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Stem cell treatment for diabetes mellitus

Stem cell treatment for diabetes mellitus

Reported May 12, 2010

Diabetes is now seen as an epidemic by health researchers – however, stem cell therapy providers in Europe, Thailand have had great success treating patients with their own adult stem cells for this invasive disease.

Stem cell therapy providers in Germany have recognized and been exploiting the potential of stem cells to treat diabetes for a while now. . Type 1 diabetes is already being treated by using this therapy in SCGF centers successfully and many patients found the best of the results who had their treatment from the SCGF centers.

Follow up statistics from 50 diabetes patients completed in July 2009 show that more than 50% experienced improvements after stem cell therapy.

40% of the patients were insulin dependent (type 1) and 60% were non-insulin dependent (type 2). About 4 of 5 patients were male and the average age was 51 years old.

Approximately 1/3 of insulin dependent patients’ improved following treatment while about 2/3 of non-insulin dependent patients improved. Overall, improvements reported included more stable blood glucose levels, lower fasting blood glucose levels, decreased leg pain, lower blood pressure and the elimination of hypoglycemic episodes.

Nearly 1 in 4 male patients regained erectile function.

Recently patient named Sean DePaula 20 years old from Golden, Colorado suffering from Diabetes Type 1 is being treated by the SCGF center in Germany. He was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes 8 months ago. His symptoms remained relatively stable since he was recently diagnosed. He had to check blood sugar 8 to 10 times a day. For breakfast, he had to give himself one unit of short-acting insulin for every 20 grams of carbohydrate. For lunch and dinner, he had to give himself one unit of short-acting insulin for every 15 grams of carbohydrate. Every night, he had to give himself about 5 units of long-lasting insulin.

Progress after Stem Cell Therapy

His insulin needs have dropped dramatically after following the treatment from the center. The best thing is that he no longer needs to give himself long-lasting insulin. This has allowed him significantly greater freedom and it is very nice to not have to give himself a shot every night. For breakfast, he can have 30 grams of carbohydrate for every unit of insulin. For lunch and dinner, he can have 20 to 25 grams of carbohydrate for every unit of insulin. The experts feel that these numbers may improve even further, results can be more beneficial than these in future.

“Given the enormous promise of stem cells therapies for so many devastating diseases, SCGF believes that it is important to simultaneously pursue all lines of stem cell therapy for the very best sources of these cells.” Says Mr. Karan Goel, Chairman, Stem Cell Global Foundation.

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