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Grassroots Efforts In India Fight Spread of HIV

Grassroots Efforts In India Fight Spread of HIV

Reported June 19, 2008

After a prolonged back-and-forth between diverse agencies over actual HIV/AIDS statistics in India, the figure that India’s National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) has settled on is an estimated 2.5 million people who are living with the virus in the country, accounting for 13% of global HIV infections. In India, like in many of the developing nations, these infections occur primarily during unprotected heterosexual intercourse. As a result, women are increasingly becoming vulnerable to the disease, particularly in rural areas. In the face of extreme poverty and illiteracy coupled with poor health and poorer health care facilities, the task of tackling the virus is daunting.

And yet it would be naïve to assume that the virus only afflicts certain groups in certain regions. Despite the fact that HIV came late to India, the infections have multiplied at such a fast pace that HIV is no longer restricted to particular communities but cuts across all segments of society. And while various critical components like sex education, condom campaigns, contraception and family planning continue to be obstructed by the fine print of political and social agendas, initiatives within individuals’ and groups’ own social milieus raise hopes that we can make some gains against the virus.

Bringing Prevention Education to Youth, Armed Forces, and Women

Sex education, one of the important tools for dealing with the virus, has become a political flashpoint between many state governments. So the country’s premier health institution, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences’ (AIIMS) recent initiative could be an important step in the direction of pre-marital sex education. AIIMS has proposed a ‘pre-marriage course’ for individuals who are over 18 years of age and planning to get married. As a response to the growing incidences of marital discord, sexual disharmony, and HIV/AIDS and STIs amongst young couples, the initiative aims at dispelling myths about the human body, sex and contraception while preparing them physically, socially and emotionally for marriage. A crucial component of the course is advice on pre-marital screening for specific genetic and acquired diseases. While currently restrictive by its urban reach, if successful, it could prove to be an important model for other government-run health institutions to follow in a manner that they reach the areas where the information is most crucially required — particularly where child marriages continue to dog any real development efforts.

In the battle against HIV another group, who, by the nature of their engagements and length of deployment, have also been considered high-risk: the country’s security personnel. Yet the exclusionary and closeted nature of their functioning has made any real statistics on the threat potential and actual cases difficult to appreciate, putting their spouses back home at even higher risk of contracting the virus and passing it on further through pregnancies. However, recent indications point towards a reversal in the prevalence of HIV/AIDS among the armed forces, with growing awareness about the virus and preventive measures. According to reports from the Army, in addition to continuous awareness campaigns there have been concerted efforts to grant leave to these soldiers, at regular intervals, believed to have helped in checking newer infections. The forces engaged in counter-insurgency operations in some of the northeastern states of high HIV infections were seen as the most vulnerable. Recent figures, albeit conservative, indicate a drop in new infections among personnel from 144 in 2004 to 35 in 2006.

Basic lack of access to information has seriously hampered prevention efforts. For years, initiatives hardly took in to account the obstacles of illiteracy and poverty. Women are not only handicapped by the denial of education, but also by early marriages and almost immediate pregnancy, often throwing them into a sexual relationship with a much older man with a history of risky sexual behavior. In the case of child marriages, the situation would hardly be any different: the groom is misinformed on the issues of sex, AIDS/HIV and STIs as is the bride ill-informed, immediately pushing both into stereotypical societal roles and practices guided by the pressures of masculinity or/and virility for men and fertility for women.

More recent media messages have clearly targeted the misconception that HIV afflicts a certain section of the society (like truckers, sex workers or drug-users) and it is this misreading that over the years had made several other groups vulnerable to the virus. And even though overall prevalence remains low, the threat is that even relatively minor increases in HIV infection rates have the risk of multiplying very fast.

Accessible Testing and Treatment

At a time when accessibility continues to be an obstacle for most affected or at risk groups, Indian researchers are developing a forty minute, on-the-spot diagnosis similar to throat swab tests. The kit has already been used in Wardha, in western India, to test 1003 women, 82% of who were ignorant about their status. A method quite similar to the pregnancy test, the feasibility of immunochromatography is in its use even in highly busy, rural labor rooms in the country. The significance of this method is its immediate accessibility to rural households, particularly women, who have suffered high degrees of susceptibility due to lack of access to both information and laboratories conducting these tests.

The Indian Railways Ministry’s fare concessions to positive people travelling to specific NACO antiretroviral treatment centres (ART) from April this year, however tokenistic, is still a move in the direction of accepting AIDS as a ailment like others (railways already offer fare concessions to people living with various medical conditions like tuberculosis, leprosy, etc.). While in its current form, the concession appears to be restrictive in that many of the trains might not even touch the areas where prevalence is high, the honesty of the effort will be demonstrated over time if it accommodates to reach as many vulnerable populations and groups as possible.

Changing Attitudes Towards People Living with HIV

Sensitization towards positive patients still remains a core element of concern when dealing with the virus. Instances of doctors refusing to treat AIDS patients, women being thrown out of their marital homes after being widowed by a positive spouse (despite having been the care-givers), an adopted child being returned once found to be infected, a dead person denied a cremation, children of positive parents being denied admission in schools are just some of the instances of the apathy, stigma and associated discrimination that positive persons and their families have to continuously content with. Thus, while containment of new infections is an important strategy to prevent the spread of HIV both regionally and globally, equally crucial are human rights concerns guided by empathy for the patient, equal access to basic facilities and treatment and de-stigmatization.

Though ninety nine percent of the adult Indian population is HIV negative, any real success in tackling the HIV epidemic lies not in only reversing the trend in growing infections but in reversing the attitudes towards the virus and the manner in which positive patients and their families are treated as well so that they are able to lead healthy lives not just physically but mentally and socially as well.

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