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Looking thin does not mean you’re not fat

Looking thin does not mean you’re not fat

Reported January 28, 2010

Mumbai, January 28: Even if you look slim and trim, you cannot say that you are fat. A new study conducted by the Mayo Clinic found that 30 million Americans who had normal, healthy weight, actually had an excess of body fat. Known as normal weight obesity, this would put them at high risk of many health problems.

According to Dr Jennifer Ashton, medical correspondent, CBS News, being outwardly slim did not translate into being healthy. This is because internal fat, called visceral fat, may be surrounding internal organs even if there is no sign of it externally. According to this, while weight, calculated as per his height, may fall within the healthy range, an unhealthy percentage of body fat would indicate obesity.

The actual percentage at which body fat translates into obesity differs for men and women. In men of normal weight, a body fat percentage of 20 or above is classed as normal weight obesity, while in women, body fat percentage of 30 or greater is classed as normal weight obesity.



The Mayo clinic study assessed 6,171 subjects over nine years to find that about 20 to 30 percent of them had dangerous body fat levels. This put these individuals at greater risk from diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes that are triggered by obesity and excess weight. The incidence of these conditions in India are on the rise.

While body fat can be accurately measured, an ample waistline is a strong indicator of a higher percentage of body fat. You can reduce your risk of developing diseases triggered through obesity by burning excess body fat and replacing it with leaner muscle. This can be achieved through diet control and exercise.

Diet control includes restricting the overall amount of fat in food and, especially, cutting down on unhealthy fats such as animal fats found in meats and dairy products and transfats found in commercially prepared ‘junk’ foods. Increasing intake of fresh fruits and vegetables is also beneficial.

Exercise is equally important to maintain healthy weight and body fat levels. Aerobic and resistance exercises can help burn excess fat and convert it into healthy muscle.

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