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Acupuncture Study on Stop Smoking (Smoking Cessation)

Acupuncture Study on Stop Smoking (Smoking Cessation)

Reported July 02, 2008

North Lima, OH, July 02, 2008 –(– Acupuncture for Stop Smoking- Now that everyone has successfully entered the 21st century, several people are becoming more and more health conscious. With this, more and more people are looking for a better and faster way to quit smoking. With this habit comes challenges that may not be easily defeated. However, several studies have recently shown that acupuncture will help resistant smokers quit smoking for good and now with the invention of AcuAids one can do acupuncture at the home. Acupuncture with Acuaids magnetic patches, Hypnosis, and Neuroprogramming combine together to create one of the most comprehensive Stop Smoking products. If you have struggled to stop smoking you may need multiple levels of support.

The Study on the effectiveness of Acupuncture:

The study consisted of 46 healthy men and women ages 30-48. On average the participants smoked 14-26 cigarettes per day and had smoked for 15-31 years. All participants wanted to quit smoking and volunteered to participate. They were then randomly put into two groups. The first group was given acupuncture treatment at points used for anti-smoking(Group TG). The second group was given acupuncture treatment at points that were assumed to have no effect on smoking cessation/stop smoking(Group CG).

The Results:

Both groups cigarette consumption fell during the treatment period. However the reduction in the anti-smoking acupuncture group (group TG) was fairly higher. In addition, over 31% of the participants in the anti-smoking acupuncture group (group TG) quite smoking by the end of the treatment plan. Also in group TG the concentrations of cotinine and thiocyanate were reduced significantly after the treatment period. However, in the non-smoking point acupuncture group (group CG), no significant reductions were observed. To continue on with the anti-smoking acupuncture group: the taste of tobacco worsened, and their desire to smoke fell significantly. Source:Prev Med. 1997 Mar-Apr;26(2):208-14. Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway.

The Conclusion:

By using acupuncture a person can stop smoking, eliminate their desire to smoke, reduce their sensation while smoking, and eliminate harmful cigarette chemicals from their blood. In the end, a person will be given the fighting chance they need to quite and when they succeed they will regain their health and energy.

This is a great alternative, especially since it has been around for over 5,000 years. Which, is a lot longer than the pharmaceutical industry. Acupuncture has been studied for over 5,000 years and every study has proven its effectiveness.

Utilizing a comprehensive approach will provide you with the best chance to stop smoking. You will be able to resolve your addictions.

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