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Reproductive Health Situation in Belarus

Reproductive Health Situation in Belarus

 Reported, January 12, 2012

Over the past years, the maternal mortality ratio in Belarus has declined substantially to 3 cases per 100,000 live births in 2008, as compared to 21 in 2000. At the same time deterioration of women and maternal health is observed: maternal morbidity level is 74 per 100 pregnant women. Thanks to medical support optimization measures infant mortality indicator mortality is low in the country. In 2008 it decreased down to 4.5 per 1000 born infants against 9.3 in 2000 and is the lowest among all the CIS.

In 1994 family planning network started developing in the country. Improved family planning services contributed to significant reduction of abortion rate from 1301 per 1000 live births in 2000 to 390 per 1000 live births in 2009. However, there is no reliable data on contraceptive prevalence rate among women especially for modern methods due to lack of comprehensive studies in this area.

Young people aged 15-24 is the most vulnerable group in the area of sexual and reproductive health. The proportion of abortions among girls aged 15-24 amounts 33.3 per cent of all abortions. Youth accounts for 43 per cent of all registered HIV cases (2008). Despite increasing level of knowledge on sexual and reproductive health especially HIV/AIDS prevention, behavioral changes are slow and demand for reproductive health services including counseling is insufficient. According to the survey 43.5 per cent of respondents know about existence of youth friendly services in the country and only 6.4 per cent of them visited the clinics.

In Belarus the number of people infected with HIV through sexual intercourse and the number of newly reported HIV cases among women, are growing. In 2009 the number of cases of HIV-transmission via sexual intercourse amounted to 78% compared to 36% in 2003. The percent of women in newly registered HIV-cases increased from 36% in 2003 to 48% in 2009.

Belarus is one of the few countries in the region providing free medical services. However, modern approaches to health-care administration, funding, and evidence-based methods are at an early stage. The Government has not yet developed a national strategy on reproductive health.


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