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Do you have a mental health problem?

Do you have a mental health problem?

Reported January 16, 2009

Worried your winter blues might be something more sinister or having a manic day? Find out if you need help with our simple questionnaires

We often use words like stressed or depressed to describe our mood, but when does a normal period of the blues or one too many drinks become a serious problem and what can you do about it? If you’re worried about your mental health explore our easy-to-use questionnaires.

Bipolar Disorder is a mental health condition featuring extreme mood swings. If you think you might have Bipolar disorder or are worried for someone you know visit our bipolar questionnaire

Depression is a mental health condition characterised by sustained periods of unhappiness, feelings of hopelessness and physical symptoms such as insomnia or over and under-eating. If you’re worried you might be depressed take our depression questionnaire

Stress and anxiety disorders are characterised by mental and physical symptoms from feelings of panic to an irregular heartbeat. If you think you are suffering from acute stress or an anxiety disorder take our stress questionnaire

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a common mental health problem. Sufferes find they are compelled to perform certain rituals or are plagued by obsessive, repetative thoughts. If you are worried you may be suffering from OCD, take our OCD questionnaire

Alcoholism occurs when your alcohol intake begins to seriously and negatively affect your life. If you are worried your regular drinking might be becoming a problem, take our alcoholism questionnaire

Drug abuse is often spotted by people close to the person involved. If you think somebody you know or you may have a problem with drugs take our drug problem questionnaire

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