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Slick shape ‘best for health’

NEW YORK: Like it or not, slick shape is the best for health. A new study has found that the type of fat responsible for producing the pear shape showed off by celebrities like Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez can actually protect women from a number of serious diseases.

Researchers at Harvard Medical School have carried out the study and found that buttock and hip fat may help prevent Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure – but women “with an apple shape” are more prone to diabetes and heart disease.

In fact, the researchers have based their findings on an analysis of laboratory rodents who were injected with hip and buttock fat taken from other mice – they found that the rodents easily lost weight and made better use of insulin.

“The surprising thing was that it wasn’t where the fat was located; it’s the kind of fat that was the most important variable. “I think it’s an important result because not only does it say that not all fat is bad, but I think it points to a special aspect of fat where we need to do more research,” lead researcher Ronald said.

However, having an apple shape may be detrimental to health for women. “The apple shape is definitely more dangerous. This is because tummy fat is packed around organs like the liver and the pancreas,” said Jeff Halevy, certified fitness coach based in Manhattan..

In fact, being an “apple” isn’t necessarily a health deterrent, he says, so long as there aren’t any extra pounds on board. Angelina Jolie, Tyra Banks, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Drew Barrymore all have classic apple shapes, he explains, but they’re thin so they cover it up.

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