Paulina Gálvez is born in Santiago, Chile to a Chilean mother and a Spanish father, both economists, Paulina was raised in Spain from the age of eight. She started her artistic career as a Flamenco dancer in several companies and her first acting work was leading the film Bazar Viena with renewed Spanish actor Alfredo Landa, while attending the Cristina Rota acting school. Paulina started in theatre with famous experimental Catalan group Els Joglars, from Barcelona and has been working in film productions, theater and television in Europe, USA, and Latin America.
Started as flamenco dancer at Carmen Cortes Flamenco Company. She was pregnant while filming the TV series Hospital Central until she was 7 months and 15 days but in the scripts another character was pregnant (Maria Casal). Paulina was filming the feature film Kosh BA Kosh during the tadjick civil war between 1992 and 1993. The crew had to be evacuated by the army and stop filming for several months but the director Bakhtyar Khudojnazarov ask Paulina to return and she went back there for the film that ended wining a Silver Lion in Venice Film Festival 1993.
She has shot one film in the US (Desperation Road) with Mel Gibson and a TV series (Panhandle).
She has won the following awards for the best actress and has also being nominated two times too.
Best actress Slam competition Festival Int Cine Miami for short film “ESCAPE”
2016 Best Unipersonal show Miami Life Awards for “Taitantos”
2004 Best actress X Mostra de Cinema Llatinoamérica de Lleida for “SUB TERRA”
2003 Best actress Biarritz Film Festival for “SUB TERRA”
2003 Nominated for Best Actress APES Chile for “SUB TERRA”
1998 Nominated Goya Best Actress for “PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN WITH A MAN IN THE BACKGROUND”
She has played more than 90 different characters ranging from comedic to dramatic in theater, films and television, with renowned directors and actors such as Carlos Saura, Javier Bardem, Federico Luppi, Jordi Mollà, Ricky Schroder, among many others.
In 2000, she played Marta, the Gypsy servant in the American series Queen of Swords for Paramount Television and, along with Tessie Santiago, was one of only two actors to appear in all 22 episodes of the TV series filmed at Texas Hollywood, Almería, Spain. She later appeared in the series Dueños del Paraíso for Telemundo, starring Kate del Castillo, and in the Bambú production for Atresmedia, La embajada. In 2018 she was cast as Catalina in the television series based on the film The Purge, produced by Blumhouse for the USA Network.
Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with Claudia Lavender, exceptionally talented Paulina Gálvez is a Chilean-Spanish actress here she talks about her fitness routine, diet, and her success story.
Namita Nayyar:
You were born in Santiago, Chile, and were raised in Spain from the age of eight. You started your artistic career as a Flamenco dancer in several companies and your first acting work was in the film Bazar Viena with renewed actor Alfredo Landa. You had training in Cristina Rota’s regular course, Seminars with Juan Carlos Corazza, Susan Batson, Tom Todoroff, Juan José Jusid, Mariano Barroso, John Strassberg, Arcadi Levin, Voice and diction with Concha Doñaque, Vicente Fuentes, Esther Caporale, Lenore Harris. This later propelled your career to the height where you have been at the top of the world of acting and won the Best Actress Award at Slam competition Int Film Festival of Miami for the short film “ESCAPE”. Tell us more about your professional journey of exceptional hard work, tenacity, and endurance.
Paulina Gálvez:
I started working a few months after I enrolled in the acting school, then I got cast as a lead in the film Bazar Viena. After that first experience I realized how much I needed to learn to become the actress I wanted to be, so I continued training and working in low budget productions and short films.
That is where I learned how to be in front of the camera and contribute to tell a story. I don’t feel this is a job where you get to the top, rather a path that you walk while you learn and experience the craft, and for me that’s more exciting than anything. I continue working with emerging directors in shorts or low budget films as a way to give back and keep that flame intact.
Namita Nayyar:
You acted in the film Sub Terra released on 2nd October 2003 (Chile) and won the Best Actress Award at 2004 Mostra de Cinema Latinoamérica de Lleida for “SUB TERRA”, the 2003 Best actress Biarritz Film Festival for “SUB TERRA” and in 2003 Nominated for Best Actress APES Chile for “SUB TERRA”. Tell us more about this spectacular achievement of yours.
Paulina Gálvez:
Later on in my career that started in Europe, they realized I was born in Chile so I had the chance to work in a couple of films there. Sub Terra was the most expensive production made in Chile at this time—a period film set in the 19th century—and told the story about the living conditions of miners in Lota and the tensions with the oligarchy who owned the mines. We worked on location, with the descendants of the miners as background, and it was incredibly moving and revealing having the chance to tell their story with them, who guided us to the depths of their feelings and memories.
Namita Nayyar:
You were filming the feature film, Kosh BA Kosh, during the Tajikistani Civil War between 1992 and 1993. The crew had to be evacuated by the army and stop filming for several months but the director Bakhtyar Khudojnazarov asked you to return and you went back there for the film that ended up winning a Silver Lion at Venice Film Festival in 1993. Tell us more about this courageous event and a unique experience of your professional acting career.
Paulina Gálvez:
It’s simultaneously painful and beautiful to remember that experience. It was the most amazing journey I’ve ever had, professionally and personally. Bakhtyar was a true artist that wanted to tell a story about his home city before it became something unrecognizable.
We spent four months there and we saw the change in that period, very harsh times for everyone. I really want to go back and find the wonderful crew that I met, and see how their life is now. The award in Venice made us believe in the power of films when they speak from the heart.
Namita Nayyar:
You have acted in many television series, the latest in 2022 GRAYHOUNDS, Buendía Studies, and 2022 PANHANDLE. Sony Television, 2021 THE MALLORCA FILES. BBC and 2020 MISSING. Telecinco. Tell us more about your role in these series and the professional quench as an actress you achieve in working in these television series.
Paulina Gálvez:
I think working in different markets (American, British, Spanish and Latin American) is a privilege as an actress, since each of them have a different way to develop their stories. I learn from everyone, and in the end what really matters is doing your job in an interesting way and interacting with the rest of the cast and directors with your best energy and focus.
Namita Nayyar:
You are the leading film actress, television star, and theater artist. How do you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?
Paulina Gálvez:
It’s all the same to me as an actor; it’s just my work. I’m not planning my career anymore. I’m just letting things happen and embracing what comes to me with the same energy, joy and hard work.
Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?
Paulina Gálvez:
I love to work out, dance, do yoga and take long walks. Sometimes I’m too lazy to do a structured fitness session so I take a walk and it’s the best meditation to me. Dancing brings me the most joy of all. I should do it more!
Namita Nayyar:
How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body.
Paulina Gálvez:
That’s my weakness actually… After two kids (born by c section), I have to work really hard to get them in shape. And after menopause it’s even harder to lose fat in some areas, so it’s all about what you eat and paying much more attention to it. I’m not obsessed with getting the perfect abs but with getting stronger ones (so they protect my lower back) and less inflammation in the area.
Namita Nayyar:
Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Paulina Gálvez:
I grew up in Spain, so I’ve got all the dishes for a healthy Mediterranean diet from my grandmother. That’s my secret. And I don’t like sweets at all, that’s my luck. But most important, I listen to my body that tells me clearly what is good or bad for it.
Namita Nayyar:
Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.
Paulina Gálvez:
I love greens, especially artichoke and cucumber, and I also love goat cheese, olive oil, and fish. I don’t eat many things fried; I prefer to slow cook and use the oven. As I said I don’t like sweets, nor elaborated creamy sauces and I try not to eat too much pizza and pasta that I love.
Namita Nayyar:
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your hair care and skincare routine.
Paulina Gálvez:
Since my hair is curly I use specific products to treat it and maintain the curls alive. And I don’t straight or dry it until it’s needed (for a character or an event). I don’t wear any make up in a daily basis, just product in my eyelashes and eyebrow and tones of moisturizing in my lips. I clean my skin every night and use sunscreen every day (even in winter). I also use a serum and moisturizing day and night. And I sleep very well…that helps a lot!
Namita Nayyar:
Being before the camera while shooting for a film or while doing theater involves long hours of being under heavy makeup. Kindly give a few makeup tips and what you practice post-makeup at night to keep the skin, hair, and eyes safe.
Paulina Gálvez:
I always clean my skin very gently to remove all make up before sleep, and I apply my serum and treatment cream. If I’m in a dry city or a humid one I choose a different treatment cream since I have combination skin that reacts differently in each weather and I also change the brands I use often so I guess I can get the best from everyone.
Namita Nayyar:
Five athletic leisure brands you love to wear.
Paulina Gálvez:
For swimming, Speedo has always been my favorite, and for sneakers Nike, Adidas, Puma and New Balance.
Namita Nayyar:
Five travel destinations on your wish list.
Paulina Gálvez:
Places I haven’t been yet: Japan, Australia, Mozambique, Iceland and Bahia in Brazil.
Namita Nayyar:
You as an acting artist work in Films, Television Series, Theater, and Short Films. Which medium of entertainment do you enjoy doing the most and why?
Paulina Gálvez:
I love them all. What I enjoy the most is a great character telling a good story with an amazing crew.
Namita Nayyar:
You won in 2016 Best One woman show Miami Life Awards for “Taitantos”. How do such honors and nominations act as catalysts to motivate you to reach greater heights in the field of acting?
Paulina Gálvez:
Awards are a really strange deal. Since what we do is something so subjective to the eyes of the viewer, I always think of them as recognition from a specific group of people and lately I’ve started to honor that. I used to keep my awards hidden and now I have them close to my desk and depending on the day I have, they can be a pushing tool or a caress.
Namita Nayyar:
What do you wish to say about the website Womenfitness.net and the message for its visitors?
Paulina Gálvez:
Taking care of ourselves inside and out is a crucial matter and your site is a great source of information.
Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding actresses, who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to the ladder of success in the field of acting?
Paulina Gálvez:
Define success in your own words and don’t let other’s dreams usurp yours. Every path is different and you must find yours. You will meet amazing companions and will learn a lot about yourself and life. I realized that the most talented human beings are the most interesting people and I like to think that this profession can help us grow. So simply live your life with your actor awareness and you are going to have a great journey.
Namita Nayyar:
Today social media plays a vital role in putting your message across to your followers and fans. What is your message to the social media followers on Instagram?
Paulina Gálvez:
I just try to show some parts of myself that I’m not shy about or that nobody asked me to show but I feel the need to tell, and I’m not talking about my body. I don’t judge what others do with the social media, but I don’t post things only to get followers. It has to match my real self.
Paulina Gálvez Social Media Presence
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paulinagalvezzz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/paulinagalvezzz
Face Book: https://www.facebook.com/paulinagalvezofficial