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Prickly Heat: Therapeutic Management

Prickly heat (Miliaria Rubra) is a skin disorder which produces an irritating skin rash as the result of obstructed sweat-glands. When the narrow ducts carrying sweat to the skin surface get clogged, the trapped sweat causes inflammation, which produces irritation (prickling) and itching. Prickly heat usually consists of a rash of very tiny blisters but also can appear as large, reddened areas of skin.

The prickly heat rash is non-inflammatory and affects people of all ages, though it is most commonly suffered by infants. For those who are genetically predisposed to prickly heat, recurrence is common.



Treatment Options:

Prickly heat is curable. A combination of preventative measures and immediate treatment ensure quick recovery.

Medical Treatment

This consists of cold compresses, cool showers and cooling skin lotion. Steroid creams and ointments containing hydrocortisone should be applied 3-times daily to rash to relieve itching and irritation.



A wholefood diet, exercise and relaxation will be recommended.To discourage further perspiration, air needs to flow freely over the skin’s surface-wear cool, loose, cotton clothing.Use fans, drink plenty of water, go swimming and bathe affected areas.Cold poultices, showers, compresses and skin lotions are also recommended.Regular exercise might be rescheduled if carried out in a hot, moist climate.

Vitamins and Minerals

Wholefoods for general and skin health, rich in all the antioxidants, especially the fruit and vegetables rich in vitamin A (beta-carotene), and in cis-linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid, will be recommended.Drink plenty of cool fluids and herbal teas, such as green tea.A freshly squeezed juice combination to help restore lost fluids and salts consists of equal volumes of apple and carrot, with a little cucumber.Specific supplements include zinc, beta-carotene, vitamin B-complex (especially calcium pantothenate) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), and vitamins C and E.


Bathe the affected area with cold chamomile and / or tea tree infusions.For a quick, relief-bringing compress, wring out a flannel that has been soaked in basin of rice-cold water containing 4tsp (20ml) distilled witch hazel, and apply directly to the prickly heat rash.Another option would be , to mix equal quantities of juice extracts from neem, tulsi, pudina, coriander and turmeric bottled and refrigerated. This lotion will stay fresh for 7 days. Apply on affected areas after returning from outdoor activities.


Add 2-3 drops of chamomile or calendula essence to 8 fl oz (200ml) cold water and spray the rash liberally.Mix 3-4 drops of myrrh or lavender with 2 tsp (10ml) soya oil and spread on gently to relieve the inflammation; use neroli essence similarly, or add to bathwater, to reliever the knotted inner tension that can accompany a persistent itch.

Other Therapies

Prickly heat is usually a transient condition and does not tend to last, but for frequent outbreaks, stress-beating therapies such as yogatai’ chi and relaxation and meditation may be helpful. Cranial osteopathy and/or acupuncture may also be used as means to harmonize the various body systems and boost the immune cells.



Follow self-help advice as soon as prickly heat appears – salt and water loss can trigger heatstroke.

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