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Pain No More: Natural Ways To Reduce (or Eliminate) Aches Naturally

We all have our aches and pains.

Our typical reaction when we’re feeling a little off is to reach for the medications in the cabinet. We wash it down and wait patiently until the problem goes away. After a few hours and the meds wear off it typically comes back. That’s no good.

If we become reliant on these medications then we place ourselves at potential health risks. Some may begin to abuse their medications and find themselves becoming addicts. Double not good.

Therefore, we’ve seen a surge of interest in natural pain remedies & management.

These natural remedies (which we’ll cover in the article) come in many forms:

·  Diet & exercise

·  Supplements & oils

·  Heat & massage therapy

·  Meditation & laughter

Let’s go a little further into how each of these is done (and how they help) …

Diet & Exercise

Your gut health is important because 70% of your immune cells originates there. Meaning what goes in truly matters. There’s no denying fatty and sugary foods have a negative effect on your health. A diet and lifestyle change in eating habits are in order.

Eat more:

·  Whole grains

·  Fruits & vegetables

·  Lean meats

Drink more:

·  Water

·  Tea

It would be in your best interest to lay off the processed foods. Diet accounts for 80%+ of you physical (and mental) health. The other 20% is from exercises like walking/running, weights, and low-impact, high-intensity routines.

By reducing weight and improving muscle health you will put less strain on the body which results in less stress and fatigue in the areas that may have poor circulation and pinched nerves.

Supplements & Oils

Natural supplements and oils lead to natural pain relief.

Consider the following items to reduce pain, joint discomfort, and other ailments:

·  Turmeric (reduces inflammation)

·  Glucosamine (helps with joint pain)

·  White willow bark (great for headaches)

·  Omega-3 (lowers stiffness and back pain)

·  Vitamin D (overall pain reliever)

There’s also the use of oils as part of aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy using ginger, lavender, and cinnamon oils have been studied and found to help reduce cortisol (a hormone that creates stress), reduce inflammation, and help with anxiety. These oils relax the body so it can rest properly thus reducing long-term pain.

Heat & Massage Therapy

Heat and massage therapy go hand in hand (such as with fire cupping or heat wraps). A deep tissue massage encourages the body to increase serotonin production which is a natural pain reliever. The massage also promotes flexibility, a decrease in anxiety, and deeper sleep.

Heat and massage therapy is typically done through a professional but there are many items you could use on your own for a self-massage therapy session including pressure tools for hard-to-reach spots, stretches, and application of pressure points, rollers, and massage balls.

Meditation & Laughter


·  Meditation helps develop focus and releases negative thoughts from your mind; this can help the body ignore the minor pains and relax the muscles

·  Laughter distracts the mind and creates a higher pain threshold; watch a funny movie, stand-up comedy, read jokes, or look at silly pictures

Ever notice how you don’t feel pain when you’re focused and having fun? That’s the concept behind why meditation and laughter can help with natural pain relief.

A Word to the Wise

As with any of these: talk with your medical professional.

Certain activities, supplements, and therapies are not recommended for those currently pregnant or elderly. Natural methods of pain relief are encouraged to reduce the reliance on pain medications but it’s important to continue taking the necessary prescriptions the doctor prescribed for the main issues.

Incorporate some of these methods into your day-to-day routine and see if they help with pain management. Then ween yourself off the pain medications under the guidance and monitoring of a medical professional.

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