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Sara Hector: Swedish Alpine Skier reveals her story of becoming an Olympic Champion

Sara Maria Hector is a Swedish World Cup alpine ski racer who is the reigning Olympic champion in giant slalom. She has competed at seven World Championships and won three medals in the team event (2011, 2015, and 2021).

Hector gained her first World Cup victory in December 2014, a giant slalom in Kühtai, Austria. At her third Winter Olympics in 2022, she was the gold medalist in giant slalom, was her first Olympic medal and the first Olympic gold for Sweden in the women’s GS event in thirty years.

Medal record: Women’s alpine skiing: Representing Sweden

International alpine ski competitions

Olympic Games
Gold medal – first place 2022 Beijing Giant slalom

World Championships
Silver medal – second place 2021 Cortina d’Ampezzo Team event
Bronze medal – third place 2011 Garmisch-Partenkirchen Team event
Bronze medal – third place 2015 Beaver Creek Team event

Junior World Championships
Gold medal – first place 2011 Crans-Montana Giant slalom
Silver medal – second place 2012 Roccaraso Giant slalom
Bronze medal – third place 2010 Les Planards Slalom

Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with,Sara Hector, an exceptionally talented Swedish Alpine Skier, and Olympic Gold Medalist here she talks about her fitness routine, her diet, her beauty secrets and her success story.

Namita Nayyar:

You were born in Sandviken, Gävleborg County, Sweden. Where you had your early education? You started skiing along with your family at an early age. Then you decided to pursue the sport as an Alpine Ski Racer. In 2010 at Les Planards, France you won 3rd place at Junior World Ski Championships, in the event Slalom. This later propelled your career to the height where you have been at the top of the world as an Alpine Ski Racer and won the Olympic Gold Medal in 2022. Tell us more about your professional journey of exceptional hard work, tenacity, and endurance.

Sara Hector:

I would say that I started loving my sport already as a child! It was very tough for my parents to call it a day from the slopes and maybe this is still one part that’s remaining, because the live for the sport and to develop is my driving force. Speaking of my parents, they are both teachers, one in math who taught me the importance of analyzing and thinking and from that develop and one in languages who has thought me the need of repetitions for making sure you have it in your nervous system. So both of them brought very important skills, I believe, for learning new things!

We never had lots of money, so it was always a choice that had to be made to keep on skiing, because it was always all about prioritize things and my parents were working so hard to give me the opportunities to keep on racing and doing what I did just love so much! I grew up 20 minutes from a small ski resort, Kungsberget, a very good one for children.

I went to ski gymnasium in Are and I was very eager at an early age to take responsibility for my decision and my development! I have always tried to do my best in every situation. This sport has brought me lots of happiness, lessons and a though mind I would say! I love skiing still and the passion and will for doing well has made me better and better.

Namita Nayyar:

It is a dream for a sportsperson to win an Olympic Gold Medal. In Feb 2022, in Beijing, China you stood 1st in the event Giant Slalom at Olympic Games Tell us more about this spectacular achievement of yours.

Sara Hector:

It’s like you say, that is for sure a big dream for us athletes to win an Olympic Gold Medal. The weeks leading up to this Olympic gold was the most nervous weeks of my life. I knew I had the shape within me, but there is so many things that actually can go wrong. The day of the Olympics I tried to focus to stay in the present. Finishing the first run in the lead was very good! On the start of the second run, I was standing on the start feeling proud! I knew I had to give it my all and I just tried to ski as fast as I could. The feeling in that second run was far from perfect, but in the end it was just enough and I won! It was an amazing feeling!

Full Interview is Continued on Next Page

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2023 Women Fitness

Namita Nayyar:

You are the world-leading Alpine Ski Racer, social media personality, philanthropist, humanitarian, and brand ambassador. How do you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?

Sara Hector:

I’m not sure if I would describe myself like that! ? I feel more a girl that really has a big love for the sport of alpine skiing and then this opens some opportunities! I have also been studying and I have two bachelors and for sure my days are busy with collaborations and cooperation’s with companies where I hopefully help them and they help me! But mostly I’m busy trying to do my best on the slopes.

Namita Nayyar:

What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?

Sara Hector:

I believe for getting training done continuously it’s very important to find some pleasure or joy in what you do! If I’m tired but the best in the moment is to keep on going, then I’ll always try to make it fun! Sometimes it can be the social aspect of it, sometimes the feeling when you are done. One nice training I do when time is short is sprints on a hill – up all you can 30s and walk down. Some warm up before and the training is done in less than 30’ and a good one!

Namita Nayyar:

How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body.

Sara Hector:

Well, I’m not the most toned person out in the world! Personally I put performance and health way ahead of the looks, but sometimes and especially in some sports it might be true for both! No matter what, I try to eat good food, train hard and just enjoy life! I believe that bring me the most value.

Namita Nayyar:

Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?

Sara Hector:

No, I’m not on a specific diet… but I’m for sure aware of what I choose to eat! We have to travel a lot with the racing and if you are too picky with what you eat, it’s taking too much energy and it’s not easy to eat enough! BUT if I can, I believe eating enough, eating vegetables, carbs and protein in every meal if possible is perfect if possible!

Namita Nayyar:

Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.

Sara Hector:

Homemademeatballs (I’m a Swede) Carpaccio, Foodie salads, Good barbecued chicken or meet, chocolate.

I don’t like fried things so that includes a lot of things! No Pizza-Fan either. I never drink alcohol.

Namita Nayyar:

You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your hair care and skincare routine as skiing in sub-zero temperatures under harsh cold winds needs special care.

Sara Hector:

Well, thank you! Actually I don’t do anything regarding my skin, either I’m lucky or that is maybe the recipe to nice skin and regarding the hair, I could really do more though. It’s not so easy keeping it in good shape while skiing so often. But when skiing having it in a braid is a good start and for sure washing quite often with all the trainings and so.

Namita Nayyar:

Five skincare myths.

Sara Hector:

Haha, you ask me? Not really my area of expertise!

Namita Nayyar:

Five travel destinations on your wish list.

Sara Hector:

To ski powpow in Japan, sailing in the northern part of Norway and ski touring, New Zealand, Hawaii, and sailing in west India.

Namita Nayyar:

Tell us a day in the life of ‘Sara Hector’.

Sara Hector:

While skiing I’m normally waking up early and I’ll be training in the slope until lunchtime. Afternoons include more training, less often skiing though and working with something, watching video from training and analyzing that. When I’m done with that sometimes I have time with a therapist. Dinner and sleep.

When I’m not on snow my days are not the other ones alike! Sometimes only training all days, sometimes meeting or activities with sponsors, spending time with family and friends. I have together with my boyfriend been building a house, have done a lot of school (2 bachelors), moved to a new country.

I live in Austria now, so I’m busy trying to find out my new normal life! I still have collaborations with Swedish company and whenever I’m in Sweden without ski federation I’m also busy working with that. So a fun life I would say! It at least I’m happy with it.

Namita Nayyar:

During the Covid pandemic what was your fitness routine to remain fit in those challenging times?

Sara Hector:

I was able to go to a gym at almost all time. BUT I when I´m without a gym there is just so many things I do instead; jumping, coordination, running, and different exercises like pistols or push-ups, chin and so on.Strength with your own body is sometimes easy to underestimate the quality of! You just need some creativity!

Namita Nayyar:

Quote you live by.

Sara Hector:

It’s in the attitude, meaning: The results we get and how we will perceive situations and maybe also setbacks it’s all in our attitude and the power of changing things for the better is all within our reach! So if we start by focusing on our attitude we have made a very good step!

Namita Nayyar:

ALS is a disease in which nerve cells in the brain, brainstem, and spinal cord die. You organize Sara Hector ALS Challenge, which contributes to the research being pushed forward and thereby hopefully to finding a solution to a terrible riddle that today needs more focus to be solved. You work along with the “The Ulla-Carin Lindquist Foundation”. Elaborate on this endeavor of yours of giving back to society.

Sara Hector:

Unfortunately my mum has this terrible diagnosis and this was a way for me to put the focus on what I can do, instead of everything what I cannot affect in the situation! We have already been gathering lots of money and for me to work with a professional foundation which is only focusing on ALS has been an important part! I have not done this alone and I’m grateful for everyone who has been involved and who does come every year as well!

Together we human beings can create so many solutions in difficult questions and that’s very cool! To have been able to gather some of us to help people with terrible disease hopefully get to live a life with more value! The thought of that makes me very humble and thankful, we humans are great!

Namita Nayyar:

While playing professional sports, athletes often face injuries and other difficulties, would you like to share tips on how to cope and make a comeback after an injury?

Sara Hector:

Yes, I have faced a lot of injuries in my life! I think once again its important staying focused on what you can do in the present moment is key to success! It’s very easy to try to rush things up, but if you do the risk of having to everything once again is very big! Patience and trust on people you work with and the process! For sure, being surrounded by great people with hopefully also experience is extremely important too!

Namita Nayyar:

What do you wish to say about the website and the message for its visitors?

Sara Hector:

There is lots of cool information to be found on this site from lots of different areas of expertise. That´s cool.

Namita Nayyar:

Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding ski racing girls, who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to the ladder of success in the field of Alpine Skiing?

Sara Hector:

Enjoy your journey on the slopes because it’s for sure not going to be lasting forever. Remember to listen to your voice and take step by step, sometimes we need a lot of patience for reaching out potentials. Have lots of fun.

Namita Nayyar:

You have an impressive Instagram following of 37.2 k followers. A message for your ardent admirers.

Sara Hector:

Thank you for following on my journey and if you have things you are curious about, just write to me and I’ll do my best to answer.

Sara Hector Social Media Presence
Official Website:

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2023 Women Fitness

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