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Counting health benefits of Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Counting health benefits of Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

According to B.K.S. Iyengar “Backbends are rejuvenating. They give energy and courage and combat depression. They open the chest and make the spine flexible. The arms and shoulders become strong. The mind and body become alert.”

This posture is relatively simple and quite exhilarating.
How to do Bridge Pose Step by Step

  1. Lie on your back centered on your mat. Bend both knees and bring the feet up as close to your buttocks as possible. Place the feet on your mat hip width apart. Position your palms facing down aligned with your hips. Lie supine, facing the ceiling with an extended neck. The long extended neck that is best for Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana) should also be maintained in this pose.
    Keep your feet parallel or slightly angled with the balls of the big toes closer to each other and the heels slightly more apart. As you raise your pelvis you may experience a tendency to reposition the feet to a different angle so that your big toes move away from each other and your heels move towards each other. Avoid this tendency and keep your feet planted firmly on the mat.
  1. Draw in your shoulder blades as you lift  and push them away from the center of your body and down towards the mat. At the same time, firm up your thighs, knees and calf muscles, but keep your belly soft. Throw your head back, gently, and gaze either at the ceiling or, better still, at the wall behind.
  2. Keep stretching your legs forward and try to keep your feet flat on the floor. Initially, you may find yourself resting on your heels, but don’t let that bother you. Next time, resist the urge to rest on your heels and, right from the start walking your feet flat footed till they are stretched to the limit. Concentrate on the rise and fall of your belly as you continue to breathe normally.
  3. At first you may not be able to hold the pose for any more than 10 – 15 seconds. But, given the time, you will gradually be able to go up to one minute , even.
  4. To exit the pose, exhale deeply and gently take your elbows further apart and let your butt and back sink onto your mat. Then rest your neck and head and lie in Shavasana (Corpse Pose) for a few seconds, maybe even up to a minute, depending upon how long you held the pose. Never try this pose twice in consequence.

Benefits of Bridge Pose:


Contraindications/ Cautions:

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