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Opting For Slimline Shopping

Bad planning can be the downfall of many diets, so make sure your fridge and store cupboards are stocked with a variety of healthy ingredients so that you’ll always have the makings of a good nutritious meal or snack. Foods can be divided into five main groups – you need to eat some food from each of the groups each day – but the key to a healthy diet is getting the balance right.

Here’s some useful advice for a ‘well-balanced’ shopping basket. And a tip to start with is never go shopping on an empty stomach!

Fruit and Vegetables

These are the dieter’s best friend: apart from being excellent providers of vitamins and minerals, they are also wonderfully low in both fat and calories. It’s no coincidence that in Mediterranean countries, where people eat almost twice as much fruit and vegetables as compared to western countries, tend to live longer and healthier lives.

Look for recipes and ideas for new ways of cooking them – try poaching. Baking or grilling fruits as an alternative to eating them raw.

Although fresh are best, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables and dried fruits are also useful. The vitamin C in both fruit and vegetables is easily destroyed during storage, preparation and cooking. To help preserve the vitamins, buy little and often. Buy from a shop that you know has a quick turnover and stores vegetables in a cool dark place, ideally for no more than three days. Boiling vegetables in large quantities of water can destroy up to 70 percent of their vitamin C, so choose cooking methods that require little or no water. Aim to eat at least five servings a day.

Starchy Carbohydrates

This group, which includes bread, grains, rice, breakfast cereals, pasta and potatoes, should provide at least 50 percent of our daily energy requirements. Unfortunately many people still believe that these foods are fattening, which is simply not the case. It’s only when they are eaten with lots of fat – a rich sauce with pasta or thickly spread butter on bread – that they become so. Choose fibre-rich varieties, such as wholemeal bread and wholegrain cereals, whenever possible, as they provide slow-release energy, which helps keep blood sugar levels stable. High-fibre foods are more filling than their fibre-depleted counterparts: they will help you feel full more quickly and will stop you feeling hungry for longer.

Bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, couscous, polenta and bulgur wheat are all naturally low in fat. These are the foods to fill up on – at least half of the calories on your plate should come from starchy carbohydrate foods such as these. Be careful not to add too much fat when you cook them – 100g/3¾oz boiled potatoes contains just 80 calories but the same weight of chips contains 240 calories, which is three times as many.

Protein Foods

Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and pulses (peas, beans and lentils) are all excellent protein foods. Healthy eating recommendations suggest we should eat two to four servings from this group a day. To avoid unwanted calories always choose lean meat and poultry; white fish and pulses are also particularly good choices for people who are trying to lose weight.

All dried beans (with the exception of lentils and split peas) should be soaked overnight in plenty of cold water. The next day, drain, rinse and place them in a saucepan with fresh water, bring to the boil and boil rapidly for 10 minutes (this will destroy the toxins that are naturally present in some types of bean), and then simmer until tender. Salt should not be added to the water until the end of the cooking time, as it will cause the skins to toughen.

Milk and Dairy Products
Foods from this group are a major source of calcium, essential for strong bones. Many dairy products also contain large amounts of fat, most of which is saturated, and for this reason they should only be eaten in moderation. Choose reduced-fat cheese and low-fat yogurts whenever possible.
Dairy products are a valuable source of calcium. They also provide useful amounts of protein and vitamins A, B2, B12 and D. Choose reduced-fat dairy products whenever possible; they’re just as nutritious as their full-fat cousins but contain fewer calories. Switching from full-fat to skimmed or semi-skimmed milk to make sauces or custards and it is unlikely you will even notice the difference in taste.

Fat – the dieter’s enemy: Weight for weight, fat provides twice as many calories as carbohydrate or protein and is the dieter’s greatest concern. It is also thought that calories eaten as fat are more likely to be laid down as body fat than calories from protein or carbohydrate. But low-fat doesn’t mean low taste. There are easy ways to trim the fat from your diet without giving up the foods you enjoy. Whatever you spread on your bread – butter, margarine or low-fat spread – the message is to use it sparingly.

You can accustom your taste buds to enjoy foods that are less sweet. It’s not necessary to avoid all sugar on a weight-reducing diet, but 5ml/1 tsp sugar contains 16 calories, which may not seem like very much, but it all mounts up. Brown sugar and honey have no nutritional advantage over white sugar although some people prefer the taste.

Low-calorie sweeteners: You can use low-calories sweeteners as a substitute for sugar in hot drinks or for sweetening custard, stewed fruits and fruit fools. Sweeteners containing aspartame lose their sweetness at high temperatures, so it’s best to add them at the end of cooking . Sweeteners based on saccharin or a mix of aspartame and asesulfame K are heat-stable and so can be used for cooking.

In baking, sugar adds bulk as well as sweetness. Low-calorie sweeteners don’t provide the same bulk as sugar, so you shouldn’t use low-calorie sweeteners for cakes, biscuits or meringues. Granular low-calorie sweeteners are about 10 times lighter than sugar – you can substitute the sweetener for sugar on a spoon for spoon basis but not weight for weight.

There are a large number of foods that combine low calories, delicious taste, and excellent negative calorie properties. For reducing weight and to fight obesity, you should not starve. Rather eat a lot of negative calorie foods to lose that extra fat and become slim naturally.

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