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Lower Body Stretches to Prevent Hip and Back Pain in the Postpartum Period

Brittany Robles, OBGYN, and a NASM certified personal trainer

The postpartum is such an important time for you to take care of yourself.  ACOG, (the American College of OBGYN) recommends that every woman should get at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week.

Once you have a green signal from your specialist, go ahead and begin.

Stretches to Prevent Hip & Back pain

while you are busy taking care of the little one and recovering through postpartum period.

Inner Thigh/Groin:

Side Lying Adduction Lift 

This exercise will effectively target your inner thigh from a lying position. It is great for improving the stability of your pelvis.

To do this exercise,

Make sure to train both sides equally. 


Glute Bridge 

The glute bridge is a great exercise to activate your butt muscles (which get weak during pregnancy) and it also helps to stabilize your core.                                                                 

To do this exercise,

Hold this position for 2-3 seconds at the top and slowly lower back down.

Posterior Pelvic Tilt

The pelvic tilt is one of the best exercises to help realign your hips and strengthen your core. During pregnancy, many women suffer from anterior pelvic tilt due to the gravid uterus. This puts your hips in a suboptimal position. The posterior pelvic tilt will strengthen your rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis muscles to bring your hips back into a natural position.

Cat to Cow

The cat to cow is another great exercise to improve the mobility of your spine from a safe position.  

Outer Hips/Glutes:

Banded Walks

The banded walk will require a short resistance band that you can get online or from sporting stores. This exercise is great at strengthening the glutes, outer thighs, which can help stabilize your hips.

To do this exercise,

Take care and Stay Strong.

Contributing Author Bio:

Brittany Robles. is an OBGYN, and a NASM certified personal trainer. She runs a pregnancy & postpartum health and fitness site called, and it has been featured on Healthline, The Bump, Romper, and Shape.

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