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Timing of Consuming Protein Supplements Significant for Desired Goals

Consuming Protein Supplements

Intake of dietary protein proximate is encouraged along with resistance-type exercise sessions to promote a positive net protein balance for post-exercise recovery. Talking of Proximate Analysis, it is nothing but partitioning of compounds in a feed into six categories based on the chemical properties of the compounds.

Now-a-days protein supplements are available in ready-to-drink, powdered, and solid form and are marketed for different outcomes such as weight gainweight loss, and weight management. For desired outcome, the promoted timing of each protein intake varies.

The timing of protein supplementation is of particular importance, depending on the desired body weight and body composition outcome.

A High-Protein Diet:

There are various protein sources, divided into two types: natural protein from foods or supplemental protein, usually in the form of protein shakes.

Foods that are naturally very high in protein, and regularly eating these foods has been linked to weight loss. For example, studies have found that eating eggs can keep you fuller for longer and may lead to reduced food intake over the whole day. Regularly eating protein-rich nuts, beans and legumes has also been linked to a lower body weight, improved satiety and greater weight loss .

Common protein-rich foods include:

Boost your protein intake by including a variety of high-protein foods in your diet. If the need arises supplement it with protein supplements according to desired results.

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