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Top 10 Yoga Asanas To Cope With Tinnitus During Menopause

Hot flashes and mood swings, are a significant menopausal health issues, but hearing loss is one significant health concern that should not be left ignored. While many women sail through “the change” relatively unscathed, some may face a decline in hearing with age. That’s because estrogen plays a role in your cochleas, the snail-shaped organs in your inner ears that convert vibrations into electrical signals your brain can process.This brutal and unforgiving auditory abnormality is called tinnitus.

Note that, hearing loss can cause your brain to work overtime to listen, which in turn amplifies the noise from tinnitus. We hear with the brain and not with the ears. Ears collect the sound and the brain interprets it. Regular Yoga practice enhances the circulation of blood throughout the body and reduces stress and strain. The regular practice of asanas stimulate the organs, removes toxins, and protects the body against infection and allergies as it improves immunity. Yoga helps relax the muscles around the head and neck, and this helps to reduce the noise caused by the condition.

Tinnitus affects its sufferers on deep levels. It is often accompanied by chronic insomnia, migraines, depression, “brain fog,” fatigue, and even heart arrhythmias. It can potentially affect our daily performance, making us appear spaced out and incompetent at times.

1. Trikonasana (lateral bending pose)

2. Padangusthasana

3. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog pose)

4. Ustrasana

5. Gomukhasana (Cow-Face pose)

6. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

7. Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

8. Karna Pidasana (Ear Pressure Pose)

9. Parvatasana (Seated Mountain Pose)

10. Uttanpadasana (Leg Raise Pose)

A recent study in the American Journal of Medicine found that women who got the most exercise had a 17% reduced risk of hearing loss. And other research, published this year in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, revealed that women who consumed the most beta-carotene (in carrots and other orange-colored produce) were 12% less likely to report hearing loss.

Bear in mind that one of the main triggers of tinnitus is stress and yoga is one of the best ways to deal with stress.

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