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Vertebral Fracture or Lean Body Mass: A Matter of Your Choice!

A woman’s body composition after the menopause, especially lean body mass is a deciding factor in osteoporosis and associated risks of bone breakage. Recently, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s Scientific Congress, researchers from New York University’s Langone School of Medicine presented their study finding an association between lean body mass and the incidence of vertebral fragility fractures.

The investigators identified 358 women ranging in age from 46 to 93 (average age 72) who underwent body composition and bone mineral testing and lateral vertebral assessment from May 2011 through November 2014. Their average weight was 140 pounds with an average BMI of 25. Eighty-five patients had 124 vertebral fractures. The women without fractures had an average lean body mass of 62.4 pounds, while women with three vertebral fractures had an average lean body mass of 59.9 pounds.

Owen K. Davis, MD, President of ASRM commented, “In women with osteoporosis, vertebral fractures are a harbinger of other fractures to come and currently, bone mineral density is the measurement doctors use to predict a patient’s susceptibility to fragility fractures. If increasing lean body mass can reduce the risk of these and other fractures, it’s a truly worthwhile effort. Maintaining strength and skeletal integrity is key to maintaining quality of life as women age.”

It is said that osteoporosis after menopause is developed by losing the balance of osteoclasis (surgical destruction of bone tissue) and osteogenesis (a group of genetic disorders that mainly affect the bones) due to increase of osteoclasis by osteoclast (a cell that nibbles at and breaks down bone and is responsible for bone resorption.) through decrease of estrogen secretion. Also, decrease of bone density is quickly progressing within three years after menopause and average loss rate of bone density reaches 9 percent a decade while aging is progressing in late forties. Elements of exoskeleton and endoskeleton should be considered to maintain bone density and prevent decrease of bone density. Body activities, exercise, hormone and nutrition and so on are included in elements of exoskeleton and endoskeleton.

Approach Menopause with a Fresh Perspective.

With a few voluntary fitness and nutrition changes, you can meet menopause head-on.

  1. Maintain or adopt a strength-training workout program! Declining estrogen production might lead to more body fat getting stored around the stomach instead of the hips or thighs. ‘Tummy trouble’ can be reduced through regular strength training, which will help prevent fat gain in the first place.
  2. Create a lifestyle that is more conducive to higher energy levels. Get involved in stress-busting exercises for optimal health, mindset, and mood. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, tai chi, or meditation can work wonders.
  3. On losing your monthly cycle, you’re at an increased risk for the development of osteoporosis and other bone-related conditions. It becomes more important than ever to consume additional calcium and Vitamin D. Make sure to include additional calcium-rich products in your diet. Top calcium-rich dairy options include Greek yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, lower sugar yogurt, as well as skim milk. Consider using a variety of protein to meet your daily protein goals.
  4. With a drop in your estrogen levels, you might be at a higher risk for heart disease. Take note of your diet and keep your total saturated fat and cholesterol intake lower. Fill your diet with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and fat-free sources of protein. Focus on good fats coming from nuts, nut butters, olive oil, and fatty fish (like salmon).
  5. Drink plenty of water! Keep yourself adequately hydrated every day. Drinking plenty of water can help reduce the severity of hot flashes and will keep your natural cooling system running smooth.

An exercise program which is effective in maintaining bone density and skeletal health in postmenopausal women between 48 and 60 years of age with low bone mass should consists of four sessions per week with two group sessions lasting 60 to 70 minutes each and two home training sessions of 25 minutes each. Workout on Resistance machines and the isometric exercises, elastic belts, dumbbells, and weighted vests are a good choice. Isometric exercise involves tensing a muscle and holding the position while maintaining tension (especially helpful to people recovering from injuries that limit range of motion).

Exercise should be surely considered for comprehensive management because it is not sufficient for medicine treatment to decrease rate of bone loss.


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