Victoria was born on the exotic Kamchatka peninsula, which is located on the Russian Far East between Japan and Alaska. She immigrated to Canada with her family and lived in Montreal for some time. At twenty one years of age she decided to follow the American dream and moved to Los Angeles, California. She went to Santa Monica College for Art. Then later moved to New York City to become a contemporary artist. Art world is tough and it was a very challenging and dark journey that she was expressing through her paintings. She was living a rock star lifestyle and was completely lost at that time.
Back then she was constantly going through an emotional roller coaster fighting reoccurring depressions and desperately trying to find peace within herself. After reaching the bottom of this darkness she started her spiritual journey. She traveled to many exotic places like Bali, Peru, India and Mexico looking for truth and peace.
Charity became a big part of her life as she started helping kids and animals in need, in India and South America. Her dream is to open a charity foundation in future. When she started to feel alive again she focused on her health, nutrition, gym, kundalini yoga, and taking care of her mental and physical health then became her routine.
She is constantly exploring new ways to stay young, boost her energy levels, get lean muscle mass, grow healthy hair and have glowing healthy skin and wish to share her secrets and motivate other women how to become a better version of them.
Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with, Victoria Ku an exceptionally talented supermodel, fitness enthusiast and a philanthropist here she talks about her fitness routine, her diet, her beauty secrets and her success story.
Namita Nayyar:
Did you ever have weight gain and how you implemented the weight loss regime in your fitness routine?
Victoria Ku:
Yes. I had an experience of gaining weight several times until I figured out that i don’t have that type of genetic predisposition when you shouldn’t worry about it. I won’t allow this to happen again. At one point my weight was 170 pounds/ 75 kilos and I was only 21 years old. I didn’t even notice how it happened. I was eating fast food almost every day, chocolates, and everything that I thought was normal food. Boom plus 20 pounds just in 4 months! It was extremely hard to lose weight. Even though I’ve been always working out. But 70% of success is a diet.
I lost weight on very strict keto diet. It was not easy mentally but I wanted results as quickly as possible. It took me 6 months to get in shape. Now when I want to get leaner I do intermediate fasting. Cut off fruits and sweets. Lower sodium. Spending less time home because this is when I want to snack the most.
Namita Nayyar:
It is a dream for a model to be in Playboy Magazine. You featured in Playboy Australia in November 2022. Tell us more about this spectacular milestone in your life and experience of shooting with iconic Playboy Magazine.
Victoria Ku:
I was published few times in playboy Mexico (Latin) as well. It has always been my dream because Pamela Anderson was my inspiration in my childhood. Not only her look but ideas of protection of human, animals, and environmental rights.
Namita Nayyar:
Were you always good looking, heads turner and a stunner? How you changed your personality to be having a Perfect Chiseled Sculpted Physique? Share your transformation journey?
Victoria Ku:
I wasn’t beautiful as a child at all. I had lazy eyes and was wearing glasses. But I grew up watching MTV and wanted to be hot that’s for sure. That was my drive. I wasn’t popular neither so I had a lot of time to do sports. That definitely helped a lot.
At school I was good only at sports and art. I know that my parents were thinking I’m hopeless. As a teenager I was real trouble maker. Bleaching my hair getting tattoos and piercings. I was looking for attention in every way possible. The only good thing about me was that I loved to workout. Honestly I don’t know how my parents were able to handle it. When I turned eighteen I finally blossomed. My hair were long and healthy, I was skinny and toned. I worked at the gym making protein shakes. That’s where I learned about bodybuilding.
Full Interview is Continued on Next Page
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2023 Women Fitness
Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?
Victoria Ku:
Definitely want to share! For example Monday I do heavy workout on my lower body. Next day I’m resting. Wednesday light weight upper body workout. Thursday heavy weight lower body. The following day I’m resting. It’s very important to rest after an intense workout. Also I just want to keep my upper body toned so I use the lightest weights possible to stay feminine.
Namita Nayyar:
How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body.
Victoria Ku:
Well when you train your lover body your abs are engaged naturally so I don’t really train my abs regularly. Once a week I do my favorite abs exercise that I post on my stories frequently. But the most important thing is a diet. The leaner you get the better your Abs gonna look.
Namita Nayyar:
Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Victoria Ku:
Absolutely yes I diet. But mostly to stay healthy. Because when you have a lot of muscle mass you can consume a lot of calories and stay fit. But I’ve been dieting for years so it became a lifestyle. No fast carbs a lot of protein and fiber is a basic idea. Most of the times I will have very late breakfast so I fast. But if I feel like eating I will eat even late but extremely healthy. Especially if I had a heavy workout that day.
I’m always making sure to my best ability that I’m eating organic food. First question that I ask is what the benefits from this food are. When the answer is only pleasure I’m trying to stay away. Trying being the key word because I have the biggest sweet tooth. So I made a pact with myself. Once every week or two I’ll have a cheat meal and I’ll eat whatever I want! Rest of the time I replace sweets with alternatives I find in healthy grocery stores. There are so many sweets with clean ingredients.
Also the more junk food you eat the more you want it. Not sure how that works exactly but it’s a fact. I don’t crave many things I used to love that are not good for me anymore.
Namita Nayyar:
Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.
Victoria Ku:
Five Foods I absolutely Love.
- Absolutely yes to Turkey. I think it’s the cleanest meat because Turkey is very picky with what they eat.
- Green buckwheat. My key ingredient to make the healthiest waffles, pancakes and bread.
- Cottage Cheese. I get lactose free. Cottage cheese is full of casein what is great to eat before u go to bed to grow your muscles.
- Nuts. All kind but always raw. Full of good fats and nutrients to keep skin and hair healthy.
- Matcha. Full of antioxidants and gives extra boost and clarity.
Five Foods I keep to a minimum.
- I stay away from any food that is made with low quality ingredients such as fast food, regular grocery store chocolates, chips etc.
- No soda. I replaced it with the Celsius drink. They have few really good flavors my favorite is cola.
- Salty food. Retains water in our body. Sometimes you wake up and you feel like you gained weight but it could be only water because you had something salty. It’s not worth it.
- Anything that was made using bleached flour. Trying to avoid gluten as much as I can.
- Avoiding food with high levels of hormones such as a cow milk non organic meat etc.
Namita Nayyar:
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your hair care and skincare routine.
Victoria Ku:
With pleasure! I have few tips I would love to share. Sometimes women encounter hair loss when they focus only on losing weight it’s very important to make sure you have enough good fats in your daily diet to prevent this.
If you want to stimulate hair growth you should stimulate blood circulation. Daily head massage is a must. I like to use cinnamon essential oil just a few drops are enough to give a good burning sensation. High frequency tool for hair you can order on Amazon for 50$. Vitamins for hair are great but hair grows everywhere so I’m not a big fan of it.
To improve hair quality try heatless hair curler. Also when I sleep I make sure my hairs are in a braid and I have silk pillowcase. It’s very important.
About skin routine I’ll be honest. Not many influencers and celebrities talk about it openly but I will. I’m on retinoid pills to have flawless skin. I’ve been fighting acne for several years and that became my solution.
Namita Nayyar:
Five tips how to get big glutes without surgery.
Victoria Ku:
Lover body workout twice a week with heavy weights. Your glutes should be on fire and hurt the following day!
Main secret that women don’t think of is eating enough protein. For muscle gain you should eat 1 gram of protein for every pound of your body weight. So basically u should choose protein meal all the time to consume enough of protein to achieve your goal.
Rest. Healthy sleep at least 7h. By the way melatonin helps not only with sleep but also improves hair and skin health.
Vacuum massage. You can order a small device on Amazon and give yourself massage using anti cellulite oil to prevent stretch marks and cellulite.
BCAA. Take it during and after workout and when you don’t get chance to eat for some reason. It will help your muscles.
Namita Nayyar:
Five athletic leisure brands you love to wear.
Victoria Ku:
I love sport clothes. It’s something I wear the most. I’m always trying to find something special that is flattering for my body not depending on a brand. Also I like rare pieces that you won’t see on everyone.
But I’ll tell you a secret. I’m working on my own sports brand at the moment and I will launch workout clothes for women that will visually make the body look more perfect. Very excited about this project.
Namita Nayyar:
Five travel destinations on your wish list.
Victoria Ku:
I like some places and I always go back. Tulum is my forever number one. Ibiza and south of France for the summer. On my list is only Japan but I’m not sure when I’ll make that trip because I have so much going on. So many projects. And to be honest the US has everything you need. You can ski in Aspen or Utah and you can go to the beach in Miami or Hawaii the following day.
Namita Nayyar:
During the Covid pandemic tell us more about your routine to remain fit in those challenging times.
Victoria Ku:
I was blessed to spend lockdown in Miami. It was not bad at all. a lot of outdoor activities. I was riding bicycle and walking on the beach every day. Doing yoga and abs every day. Gym in my building was open so it wasn’t bad at all.
Namita Nayyar:
During one of the low phases of life while fighting reoccurring depressions and desperately trying to find peace within yourself you traveled to Bali, Peru, India, and Mexico looking for truth and peace. Tell us your experiences of taking such a journey of seeking peace and spirituality.
Victoria Ku:
Spirituality is my main focus in life.
I’ve been always a spiritual seeker but when I was going through serious depression I felt that I need something more powerful to get better and I started to practice kundalini yoga in Miami. It helped me almost straight away. Then I decided to go to Bali to kundalini ashram to learn more. It was never enough and then I spent a month living on a Shaman’s property in jungles in Peru trying to get healed from my traumas.
Every night before I go to sleep I express gratitude for myself and others. Doing guided meditations twice a day. As well I’m practicing a radical forgiveness. It helps a lot when you realize that pain you experience serves you on a higher level as you grow as a person from it. No matter how hurt I am I will forgive but most likely I won’t give another chance to this person.
Namita Nayyar:
You have done bold photo shoots for a number of fashion brands, and magazines and on your Instagram handle @forever_victoria_ku. How you are so body confident and advice to your compatriots?
Victoria Ku:
Experience. Once I ate duck the night before a photo shoot and woke up all puffed I barely could open my eyes. Since then I know to keep a strict diet few days before. No salt no sugar no dairy no fat food. It all retains water. Situations like this thought me what to do to feel comfortable during photo shoots.
Also connecting with the team helps a lot. It should be good vibes at the set. Then everyone does his job with love and it comes out really nice.
Those are my little work secrets. To feel body confident besides working hard on your body don’t compare yourself to other girls. There is always someone in a better shape! It’s not about it. It’s all about energy it’s about light in your eyes it’s about your innocent smile. Just make sure nothing is draining you and you are making yourself happy. Who else if not you. We are responsible for our own happiness. So focus on yourself and don’t push yourself too much. If you feel down and you don’t want to shoot don’t! That is another lesson I learned the hard way. It’s better to reschedule and make it 100%.
Namita Nayyar:
Your idea of a perfect date?
Victoria Ku:
Of course the right company is what makes it perfect. I appreciate real connection so much. Also let’s not forget that everyone is so busy especially in NYC and sometimes just going to the gym together and motivating each other is the most perfect date! But I think the best you can do it’s to go away together.
Namita Nayyar:
What do you wish to say about the website Womenfitness.net and the message for its visitors?
Victoria Ku:
It’s a great source to find top information about health and fitness. Get motivated and feel that you have the community that thinks alike! Girl’s power!
Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding social media model girls, who all are your fans and would like to know from you about their climb to the ladder of success in the field of modeling.
Victoria Ku:
Something you need to figure out is what exactly you want to share with your followers. It should be something you are passionate about. Treat your followers like your friends. Respond to questions. I’m always being asked where do I get something from and I try my best to send links etc.
Be real! For a while I was only focused on posting beautiful pictures but there was nothing behind it… Now I’m sharing real things. Real emotions. Same about modeling. World needs real people. Not dolls.
Namita Nayyar:
What is your future vision?
Victoria Ku:
I want to help people in many different ways. Start my charity fund for sure. In the nearest future I want to launch a sport app with the best workouts and diets. Including tips and secrets how to stay healthy.
Down the road I would love to open retreat where people could recharge in every way. Detoxification, sports, yoga, meditations, spiritual speakers and amazing food. My big dream.
Namita Nayyar:
You started helping kids and animals in need in India and South America. Your vision is to open a charity foundation in the future. Elaborate on this endeavor of yours of giving back to society.
Victoria Ku:
Since childhood I’ve been bringing homeless animals home. Once I brought a pigeon with a broken wing. It’s my nature. I’m still doing the best I can to help someone in real need. I have few kids in South America that I’m sponsoring at the moment. So they get education and basic needs covered so they can have brighter future. There are two organizations childfund.org and children.org that I trust.
The reason I’m sponsoring animalaidunlimited.org in India is because I saw the real situation with homeless animals there and it’s not regulated by government. To be honest I’ve been looking into opening a found few years ago but it’s so much work and money. Hopefully in the future I’ll be able to take it to that level. At the moment I’m happy to collaborate with existing foundations and am increasingly grateful for their meaningful and hard work.
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2023 Women Fitness