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Top 10 Best Exercises For Weight Loss 2017

With increasing stress and a sedentary lifestyle, regular exercise is becoming an essential component to stay  healthy & fit. Weight loss is an extremely personal journey that doesn’t look or work the exact same way from one person to the next. The best exercises for weight loss, have certain elements in common: They’re generally high-intensity and they burn a lot of calories in a short duration.

1. Weight Lifting:

There is not one but multiple reasons why a woman should lift weight. Moderate weight training can increase a woman’s strength by 30-50%. A woman who strength trains two to three times a week for two months will gain nearly two pounds of muscle and will lose 3.5 pounds of fat. As lean muscle increases so does your resting metabolism and you burn more calories all day long. A research has found that weight training can increase spinal bone density (and enhance bone modeling) by 13 percent in six months. This, complimented by adding calcium daily, can be a woman’s best defense against osteoporosis. Weight training can increase glucose utilization in the body by 23 percent in less than half a year. It has been observed that women in their 70’s and 80’s have built up significant amounts of strength through weight training and studies show that strength improvements are possible at any age.

2. Jogging:

This exercise can be your golden ticket to get lean if balanced with a healthy low-fat diet. You can lose weight by jogging for 20-minute sessions with a personalized workout plan. According to the American Council on Exercise, a person weighing 150 pounds burns about 272 calories in 30 minutes when jogging at a pace of 5 mph. Picking up the pace and jogging at 6 mph, he will burn about 340 calories. A 30-minute jog at 7 mph will equate to about 391 calories in a person weighing 150 pounds. A person who weighs more has to work harder and thus will burn more calories. In 30 minutes, a 200-pound person jogging at 5 mph will burn about 363 calories, about 454 calories when jogging at 6 mph and about 522 calories when jogging at a pace of 7 mph.

3. Tabata:

If your biggest excuse for skipping a workout is being crunched for time, Tabata is your dream come true. It’s designed to be four minutes of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that consists of 20 seconds of all-out effort, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated eight times, explains Shanon Squires, an exercise physiologist and human performance lab coordinator at Colorado University Anschutz Health and Wellness Center.

4. Yoga:

This can be a secret weapon in your weight loss path because it keeps you flexible and healthy for your other, more intense workouts (like that boot camp class). But that’s not all. Yoga requires balance and stability, which promotes functional strength, and it helps our mental health. Aim to squeeze it in at least once a week. And if you can’t make it to the studio, there are plenty of flows you can do at home.

5. Hula Hooping:

This is a best cardio workout for weight loss designed to do at home for about 40 minutes. This workout requires constant push- pull contractions in your core muscles, at the sides of your waist, glutes and thighs. Choosing the right hoop is a must and you need to make sure you have the right size. Start off on your weightloss workout, by putting one foot in front of the other and shift your weight back and forth. If you are a beginner start with some basic moves and you can move on to advanced moves. Any combination of moves for 30 minutes thrice a week for 4 weeks will burns major calories and help you lose 3 to 6 inches all over your body. This workout is one of the best regime for turning belly fat off the body. This workout helps in toning arms, abs, back, and legs.

6. The Bear Crawl:

Unlike the other exercises that directly burn calories, the bear crawl modifies the position of the pelvic muscles involving leg muscles to burn calories. The benefits of this exercise is that it works your whole body (with a specific emphasis on your shoulders and core), and building your quads more than a regular straight-legged push-up position.

7. Skipping:

Use this cheap, portable tool to get your heart rate racing! Warm up with a light 3-minute skip with the rope. Do 100 traditional jumps (both feet leave the floor at the same time, and no extra hops in between), Once you finish, immediately do 100 jump rope sprints (think regular jumping rope but at an even quicker pace) Repeat steps 2 and 3, but follow this format: 50/50, 21/21, 15/15, 9/9. If you want more, work your way back up the ladder until you reach 100/100 again

8. Cycling:

Besides being a cardiovascular exercise that burns calories, cycling also strengthens your muscles – particularly your hamstrings, glutes and quads without too much risk of injury. The stronger your muscles are, you’ll burn loads of calories in a short amount of time doing intervals, and your metabolism will be up for the next 12 hours, meaning you burn extra calories over the course of the day.

9. Lunges:

They are a great strength builder for everyone from the beginning runner, to the 5K racer, to a seasoned marathoner, to the biathlete, to the serious bike racer. They are one of the most important exercises for the thigh and buttocks. This exercise burns maximum calories, shape and define a greater percentage of your total mass and provide phenomenal cardiovascular benefits.

10. Swimming:

You can burn over 750 calories in an hour of swimming and you’ll work all of your major muscle groups. As with most workouts, it helps to go in with a plan.

Incorporate these Top 10 Exercises for 2017 in your fitness routine to get a desired body shape.

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