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Women’s Day Special: Wellness Blogger Jenay Quit Her Corporate Job To Follow Her Dreams!

The concept of total wellness recognizes that our every thought, word, and behavior affects our greater health and well-being. And we, in turn, are affected not only emotionally but also physically and spiritually.

Jenay (aka @namastejenay) is a yoga teacher and wellness blogger from Los Angeles, who quit her corporate job of working for one of the biggest brands in the world to follow her passion for health and entrepreneurship.

Women Fitness is #CelebratingWomen this International Women’s Day, with a new story of an inspirational woman going out every day. Lets check out this one of the spectacular yogini Jenay.

Women Fitness:

Share with us your story that has brought you to where you are today.


I am from Long Beach, CA. Grew up in a Jewish household to divorced parents. I always felt like the black sheep in my family, I never really had many friends. I had a tough time sticking to things, I tried every sport and activity, but never felt good at anything! I struggled with ADHD, anxiety, and depression secretly over the last 20+ years. I went to USC and graduated Cum Laude following the “supposed to” path getting a job right out of college in tech startups. I couldn’t handle the pressure and had a complete break down. After that, I cycled through jobs, about 1 year. I just never felt like I had a purpose or passion, and after some really tough personal situations, I stumbled into a yoga studio and never looked back.

After a year of practicing yoga, I got my 200hr training. Another year passed and I was working for one of the biggest brands in the world and hated my life. I knew I had to make a change if I ever wanted to feel this happiness people spoke of!

So, I quit and started teaching yoga and developed my presence on IG as @namatsejenay. Now, I am working to create a self-development Youtube channel for easy, quick ways to improve your life – something I wish I had as I was growing up!

Women Fitness:

You quit your corporate job 1 year ago working for one of the biggest brands in the world to follow your passion for health and entrepreneurship. What were the factors that helped you take this big decision?


I was successful, but entirely miserable and I was tired of living like that! It was almost like I had no other choice but to try. I saved up as much money as I could for the last 6-8 months of my corporate job so that I could sustain myself. I found as many side teaching jobs as I could as well, so that I had some sort of small income coming in. And then, totally unplanned, after an awful fight with my boss, I called his supervisor and gave my two weeks.

It was one of the toughest, but best things I have ever down. I finally feel like I am living a more purposeful life, and on the road to becoming a self-development teacher, spiritual guide, and life coach. I hope to take everything I am learning on my path and offer it up as lessons to anyone else who needs it.

Women Fitness:

How has meditation and yoga helped improve your life?


They have both changed my life. I found meditation through yoga. Yoga gave me the ability to find a connection to my body and breath, and in turn to my emotions and my mind.

I learned to slow down, be in the moment, be playful, open up both physically + mentally + emotionally. I would say that they truly saved my life. I found yoga during a really hard time in my life, and it equipped me with the tools and capacity to be able to handle situations with more ease, and respond to circumstances with more grace.

Yoga and meditation are truly space-makers. They allow you to make space in your physical and emotional being.

Women Fitness:

What would be your top 5 tips for a yoga beginner?


  1. Take as many classes as you can!
  2. Take as many different teachers are you can! These will both help you learn and expand your understanding of the practice, and help you decide what you like.
  3. Don’t compare yourself to what you see on Instagram. You are exactly where you need to be. Don’t let images deter you either.
  4. Focus on alignment. It’s easier to build a proper foundation first, and grow healthier from there.
  5. Pair your yoga practice with a meditation, after all that’s the real reason we practice the physical postures.

Women Fitness:

This International Women’s Day, what advice would you like to give to the women out there?


It’s time to step into your power. Own your uniqueness, but understand that we are all a collective humanity. Fill your space and time with love and kindness, instead of judgement towards yourself or others.

For more such real inspiring stories on this Women’s Day, click here.

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