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Yoga Asanas To Maximize Hip Stability

Hip, knee and ankle serve as fulcrums to different activities in our daily life. But fundamentally the ideal motion is about stability just as much as it is about mobility. This is precisely why hip stability is an issue that deserves a greater focus.

The hips contain several muscles known as the abductors. These include the tensor fascia lata, gluteus medius, illiacus and psoas major. A loaded weak hip would be either excessive internal rotation of the hip and/or relative hip adduction. Lateral pelvic shift toward the weak hip (actual hip adduction), elevation of the pelvis on the weak side, and lateral torso flexion towards the contra lateral side are all deviations that usually accompany a weak hip. Think of life as one big glute workout and you’ll see amazing results. Every time you walk, move and bend, fire (squeeze) those glutes.

Every joint in our bodies that allows for mobility is equally equipped with stabilizers that allow for controlled motion, the ability to shift our center of gravity, and the handling of various loads. Most people get into trouble squatting by using their quadriceps rather than the muscles of the hips to initiate movement. As a result, the knees slide forward, the glutes don’t get involved and there is undue pressure on the knees and back. Our goal is to become more glute-dominant.

The question arises, how to maintain hip stability? Get familiar with these hip stabilizing yoga asanas

Consult with your doctor before practicing yoga for your hips.

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