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Yoga Asanas To Heal Neck Pain

Your neck is a complex interlocking structure consisting of bones, joints, nerves, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Neck pain or a stiff neck can result from a sprain after bending your neck into an abnormal position (for example, by sleeping on too many pillows, acute torticollis), from poor posture, or even from sitting in a draught for too long. Sometimes, neck pain may be caused by the general ‘wear and tear’ that occurs on the joints and bones in your neck. This is called cervical spondylosis, and is a type of arthritis.

If you have a neck pain, your first task is to learn to re-establish a normal curve in as many situations as possible: sitting at your desk, standing in line at the grocery store, lying in bed.

Symptoms of neck pain

  • Muscle spasm
  • Muscle ache
  • Stiffness
  • Nerve pain
  • Headaches
  • Reduced range of motion

Asanas to Heal Neck Pain

As you practice these asanas, see that you pull your shoulder blades away from your ears and do not to compress the back of your neck.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

This Yoga Pose improves spinal flexibility and strengthens the muscles in the arms and back. In addition, it is effective in relieving menstrual irregularities and constipation.

Salabhasana (Locust Pose)

This is an exceptional posture in that it requires a sudden movement. It is like the cobra posture but raising the feet instead of the head. It can therefore be used, occasionally only, instead of the cobra.

Balasana (The Child’s Pose)

Child’s pose is a comforting, peaceful asana. Staying in this position is not only relaxing, but also promotes a feeling of safety and security. The stretch involved to the lower back and arms also feels wonderful!

Bitilasana (Cow Pose)

Tip: If you have a neck problem, keep the head in line with the torso instead of lifting it.

Marjaryasana (Cat Pose)

These yoga poses can help relieve your symptoms in a natural, non-invasive and gentle manner in the privacy and convenience of your own home.

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