Bernadett Matassa: World Hottest IFBB PRO competitor and Fitness Model Reveals her Workout, Diet and Beauty Secrets  

Dated 04 February 2016
Bernadett Matassa: World Hottest IFBB PRO competitor and Fitness Model Reveals her Workout, Diet and Beauty Secrets

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
How your experience and background of as an accomplished athlete and sportsperson has helped you in your present profession of Fitness Trainer, Fitness Expert and Fitness Model?

Bernadett Matassa: World Hottest IFBB PRO competitor and Fitness Model Reveals her Workout, Diet and Beauty Secrets

Ms. Bernadett Matassa:
My basic theory about training people is :

It's not enough to have book knowledge about physical education you also have to have huge personal experience on dieting and exercising. Every single person out there is different. They need to be handled different as well. In my past I came across many trainers who puts almost all of their client through the same exact work out no matter what shape they are in , what injuries they have or what kind of health issues they might struggling with..

Getting ready for a bodybuilding show it's always very difficult and requires a lot of discipline. I do believe that the trainer must experience this before they try to explain it to the client who doesn't really know what to expect starting their journey in the fitness field. To be able to help them the most effective way the trainer has to understand what's going on not only physically but also mentally as well. I believe all the struggles and hardships I had to go through to present my shape on the stage helped me a lot to be able to understand and help others with their own journey to the healthy lifestyle.


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