Building body strength over 40

You can  slow down the aging process by performing rational efficient strength training program that increases muscle mass and bone density.


Bodybuilding, or weight training, has very serious health and lifestyle benefits that someone over the age of 40 should not ignore. As you grow older, your risks of age-related illnesses such as heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes increase steadily. For instance, the typical 75-year-old woman often does not have sufficient lower extremity muscular strength to rise effectively and efficiency from a seated position, to move from place to place or to maintain her balance. Such deficiencies can make independent living an unrealistic option. A properly prescribed strength-training regimen can dramatically improve the overall functional abilities and well-being of older women. Participation in strength-training programs aimed at enhancing lower extremity muscular fitness can lead to significant improvements in both balance and gait mechanics, and reduce a woman's potential for falling.


After age 40 you need a way to boost your fat burning using natural, healthy weight loss. The WF weight loss plan stimulate the natural mechanism of your body to lose weight in a healthy way- a way you can do long-term so you'll lose weight permanently.



Things to note:

  • Consult your doctor before you begin any new fitness routine.

  • Find a partner. Whether or not you end up with a personal trainer, most bodybuilders recommend using a partner.

  • Keep in mind, no one exercise regiment works for every person.

  • Develop a weight training program. You need to understand that there is no single right way of weight lifting over 40.

  • Perform all of the exercises in a slow and controlled manner. To prevent orthopedic trauma to joint structures, avoid ballistic (fast and jerky) movements. Click here, for complete insight into principles and guidelines for strength training for older women.

  • Good Nutrition is essential: Women who have been  successful at weight training over 40 made changes throughout their life. Many added a cardio routine to supplement their training and to burn any extra fat caused by overeating. Every bodybuilder will tell you that you need to practice excellent nutrition. While nutritional needs vary for each person, typically bodybuilders eat several small meals throughout the day that are protein rich and include complex carbohydrates.

You need your breakfast. Your next meal after breakfast is a small snack. A snack consisting of a fruit, a nutrition bar, or a protein shake. Your next meal will be your lunch. Two to three hours after that will be another snack. After your snack will be your dinner. Dinner can consist of a green salad, fish, baked potato and some vegetables. If you want a snack at night you can.  It is actually quite simple: the combination of a high protein diet and the right kind of workout will make your muscles grow like you never thought possible.



Training Tips

  • Always warm up before a workout: a proper warm up improves the blood circulation to the muscles, elevates respiration to promote oxygen absorption and improves viscosity in the joints.

  • Begin with lighter weight and add on weights in the second and third set. For example if your goal is to lift 50 lbs for 10 rep, begin by lifting 30 lbs for  1st set (warm-up) then go on to do 3 sets of 50 lbs.

  • Aim at performing one set of  all-out super high intensity set of either 8 rep or 5-10 sec of static hold.

  • Control the range of motion so that the exercises are performed through a "pain free arc" (e.g., the maximum range of motion that does not elicit pain or discomfort).

  • Goal of every workout should be to increase intensity of every workout compared to previous workout. At the same time, never use a resistance that is so heavy it cannot be lifted at least eight repetitions per set. Heavy resistance can be dangerous and damage the skeletal and joint structures. It is recommended that every set consist of eight to 12 repetitions.

  • Always do some type of cardiovascular exercise after you are finished with the weights. There are a myriad of machines and apparatus available today to keep cardio interesting, so you never get bored doing it.
    Most people love to hate cardio, but it is a necessary evil ,especially for older folks. It will increase lung power, keep your heart and arteries pumping at optimum levels, help aid in your recovery from training, and the best part of all, is it's ability to help out in the fat loss department.

  • Keep a Journal: Right from the start you should keep a training and diet log to keep track of your progress, and to learn in retrospect, what worked for you, or did not quite cut it as far as diet and training go.
    Things you may want to record daily are:  your bodyweight, mood before training, weights used For Exercises, comments Critiquing The Workout, distance  trained and calories burned. For diet you should add up protein, carbs, fats and calories for each meal and total them up for the day. Adjust things according to your progress, or lack thereof.

  • Stay Hydrated: Water, in copious amounts, is essential for bodybuilding and for overall good health, and proper bodily functions. Carry a 20 oz. sports bottle of water with at all times, and refill it when needed. Water is often the most overlooked component in a fitness regimen. It is imperative to drink a gallon a day as a minimum amount for most hard training active people. Water will also create a sensation of fullness which in turn will keep you from overeating.

Last and first, Think Young = Be Young!



Remember there is no dress rehearsal in life, this is it, live it to the fullest at any age, not only when you are young. The most important thing you HAVE to do for yourself today, is to resolve to get back in shape.


There is nothing better for you as you age than weight training, coupled with cardiovascular work, and a healthy diet. Strength training stabilizes bone density, and supports fat loss by adding lean muscle tissue to your frame. For every pound of muscle you add to your body you will burn more calories even at rest. Adding lean muscle promotes an already healthy metabolism.

- WF Team

Dated 19 January 2011

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