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Aging Gracefully- Insight from Clinical Psychologist

“And the beauty of a woman, with passing years only grows!” ― Audrey Hepburn

We can not stop aging, just as we cannot stop growth with passing time, there are some things we can do to age with dignity, grace and fulfillment.

In this article Dr. Carla Marie Manly, Clinical Psychologist, aging expert and author of”Aging Joyfully” answers questions that often bother women with passing years.

How can a woman prepare herself for everyday new change in her physical being? 

The most important thing a woman can do every day to prepare for new change is to slow down and engage in simple self-care.  This might involve little treats such as a cup of herbal tea, a pedicure, or a warm bath.   However, good self-care also involves conscientious, healthy eating, great sleep hygiene, and daily exercise of at least 15 minutes.  By taking care of one’s physical being with loving attention, changes are always more fluid. 

How should she cope with personal comments from colleagues or counterpart?

If personal comments from colleagues or counterpart are negative, invasive, or unwanted for any other reason, a woman can simply create a strong, solid boundary by saying, “Please do not make such comments to me. I find them inappropriate.” 

Is there actually any product or therapy in the market to fight aging skin? If Yes, how far have women who have opted for those therapy happy? 

There are many products on the market that effectively reduce fine lines and brown spots—some of the most common issues with aging.  Other some women don’t find the products tremendously effective; many women are very pleased with the results of the products—both over-the-counter products and those available through physician’s offices. 

However, if a woman is interested in more aggressive treatments, some medical offices offer procedures such as laser skin resurfacing (addresses enlarged pores, skin texture issues, discolorations, and lines), filler treatments (to reduce deep lines and increase fullness), and Botox (to temporarily reduce lines)—all of which can decrease the many of the commonly troublesome issues of aging skin.  These treatments can be very expensive and are also found to be highly effective by many women. As such, many women routinely engage in such procedures as they are happy with the results.

What is the right way to embrace presence of gray hair, frown line, crow feet, smile line etc. 

If a woman wants to embrace gray hair, frown lines, crow’s feet, etc., she needs to accept her appearance as it is.  Some women are naturally more accepting of their aging issues, whereas others really struggle with the changes.  One key is to not compare yourself to other women of any age, simply look in the mirror and love yourself as you are. If you tend to be a big negative about aging issues, it might take a lot of practice and positive affirmations to remind yourself that you are beautiful at every age!  

5 key Essentials to Joyfully Age and Shine Bright.

  1. Count your blessings every day.  A positive attitude allows for joyful aging.
  2. Focus on the future and the new possibilities it holds.  Strive to not focus on the past and “what might have been.”
  3. Exercise every day, as exercise is proven to increase overall health, improve mood, and slow the aging process.
  4. Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.  Insufficient sleep leaves you looking and feeling tired—and it creates health issues. Good sleep allows the body and mind time to heal and recharge—and it leaves you shining bright.
  5. Play and laugh as much as possible.  Research shows that laughter and play increase optimal health physically and mentally.  As well, play and laughter are a vital part of radiating joy!

Extra: Practice giving back.  The more you give through volunteering and investing in the world, the better you’ll feel—and the better you’ll look!

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