This elegant style is perfect for special evening out.

Part the hair in the centre from
the forehead to the middle of the crown. Comb the side hair and scoop the back
hair into a low ponytail using a covered band.

Loosely braid the ponytail-take the right strand over the centre strand, the
left over the right, the right over the centre, and so on, continue to the
end. Secure the end with a small band, then tuck the end under the around in a
loop and secure with grips.

Pick up the hair on the left side and comb it in a
curve back to the ponytail loop.

Swirl this hair over and under the loop and secure
with grips. Repeat steps 3 and 4 on thr right side.
Time: 5
- 10 minutes
Ease/Difficulty: Quite Easy
Hair type: Long and Straight
You will need:-