Photographer : Luccia Photos @lucciaphotos
Makeup : Khadine Ali @khadinebeauty
Outfits : Alo yoga @aloyoga
Jewelry : HÜES @byhues
Kelly Hughes started modeling over 20 years ago with Next Models, who she still calls her mother agency. When she started her career there was something about the energy and adrenaline on set that made her embrace this industry and never look back. In 2009 with work slowing down due to many uncertainties in the economy, Hughes began working part-time in a restaurant and noticed her manager had a stack of bracelets on his wrist and had the thought to see if he wanted to add one more. She went home that night and out of a determined spirit and a God-given talent she made her first bracelet that would launch her jewelry line, HÜES. With word of mouth, she sold over 200 bracelets until her first store, Base (on Lincoln Road in Miami), saw someone wearing it and invited her for a meeting to sell in their store. This turned out to be the catalyst that launched her successful unisex jewelry line which as been worn by names such as: JBalvin, Ricky Martin, Chayenne, Zion y Lennox, Alicia Keys, Maxwell, Young Thug, and many more.
In 2018, Kelly added mother, to her already impressive resume, which she credits as her most rewarding accomplishment. When she found out she was pregnant, Kelly immediately started realizing her birthing plan. After weekly birthing classes, and countless doctor visits, the most important day of her life had arrived, and she was ready to give birth. Kelly quickly realized that her birthing plans would have to shift as she had a lengthy labor. She and her doctor would ultimately agree that a c-section was the best choice for her and 30 minutes later she met her beautiful, healthy boy for the first time. She would be sent home with a clean bill of health, however unbeknownst to her she had a serious infection and had to be rushed back to the hospital 2 days later. Kelly would have emergency surgery reopening her C-section which was successful but would leave her with two additional scars. Even though Kelly’s birth experience was far from what she was expected, knowing her son was healthy was all that mattered to her, and she is thankful that her C-section was able to keep her baby boy healthy and allow him to be delivered successfully.
Kelly Hughes is a mother, model and entrepreneur. The model from Miami, FL, broke barriers in this year’s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue being the first model to highlight her cesarean section scar, which has never happened in the magazine’s 58-year history. Along with being one of these years’s most talked about swimsuit models, Kelly is also a single mother to her 3-year-old son as well as the founder and designer of the jewelry brand, HÜES! Her designs have been worn by JBalvin, Ricky Martin, Chayenne, Zion y Lennox, Alicia Keys, Maxwell, Young Thug, and many more.
Photographer : Luccia Photos @lucciaphotos
Makeup : Khadine Ali @khadinebeauty
Outfits : Alo yoga @aloyoga
Jewelry : HÜES @byhues
Now, the model is continuing to embrace the out powering of love she’s received from the mama community to showcase others and lift them up. She has partnered with ESTAS Beauty to start the #ScarLoveChallenge on social media to spread a feeling of empowerment and change the societal stigma around scars. The challenge encourages participants to reinterpret Kelly’s photo showing off their own scars using the # and challenging their friends to join the movement. Every time a #ScarLoveChallenge photos is posted, ESTAS will donate $1 to World of Children, helping disadvantaged children around the globe.
Having an androgynous eye for jewelry, Miami-born and based designer Kelly Hughes has turned her taste and talents into her particular take on accessories. HUES founded in 2009, which is not only the creators last name (Hughes) but by definition has transformed into a very specific meaning for the brand “is the attribute of colors that permits them to be classified as red, yellow, green, blue, or an intermediate between any contiguous pair of these colors.”. It embodies color section, materials and metals that come together and present a story. It’s essentially the everything in between. Hughes wanted the brand to be for everyone, where you can have a HUES bracelet that you identify with without boundaries. Today the brand has evolved into a multi-category collection of accessories that are defined as unisex and delivered in style that uniquely suits both genders independently.
HÜES is comprised of bracelets, necklaces, rings, and earrings. Sourcing the finest quality materials, the collection is a medley of sterling silver, 14k gold, matte black, gunmetal and brass. Available in high-end select boutique locations with an affluent consumer following and a trend-telling storyboard every season. HÜES designs have been worn by JBalvin, Ricky Martin, Chayenne, Alicia Keys, Maxwell, Zion y Lennox, Young Thug, Future and many more.
Collectors have come to admire the annual releases of new collections and look forward to seasonal special releases. All the while, knowing that any piece showcased is available in customized color palettes in multiple varieties.
In 2018, her resume expanded from model and jewelry designer to the most rewarding job yet –Mom. Her son inspired her to expand the HÜES brand so in 2019 she brought on highly skilled jewelers in order to grow the collections and offer the “Made for You” category where you can design your own pieces. Hughes continues to make all of the link bracelets her as it’s a special technique to make it just right and our signature style. She continues to handle the day-to-day operations, oversee production, assembly and ensures each product made represents our exquisite style and quality.
“My own last name has transformed into a very specific meaning for the brand-it embodies color selection, materials and metals that come together and present a story-today, it’s the hue of anything we see that attracts our purchase. Its endogenous to the eye, but speaks to a man’s taste while embracing a women’s desires”
Women Fitness President Ms. Namita Nayyar catches up with exceptionally talented model Kelly Hughes to talk about her fitness routine, diet, skin care, hair care and her incredible success story.
Full Interview is Continued on Next Page
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2022 Women Fitness
Photographer : Luccia Photos @lucciaphotos
Makeup : Khadine Ali @khadinebeauty
Outfits : Alo yoga @aloyoga
Jewelry : HÜES @byhues
Namita Nayyar:
It is a dream for a model to work with Sports Illustrated. You broke barriers in this year’s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue being the first model to highlight your c-section scar, which has never happened in the magazine’s 58-year history. Along with being one of these year’s most talked about swimsuit models. Tell us more about this spectacular achievement of yours.
Kelly Hughes:
This was so incredible because it was so much more than just a photo-shoot for me. There’s such a huge stigma around C-sections and the fact that Sports Illustrated partnered with Frida Mom to do this photo-shoot to normalize our scars truly impacted so many people including myself and I feel so honored to be a part of it. I was very open about my difficult birth story and my struggle embracing all of the changes my body went through after becoming a mom and accepting my new scar however I never realized how many other women felt the same way. I got 100’s of dm’s from women all over the world that felt so empowered by this photo-shoot and I realized how underrepresented C-sections were in the market because I was not alone, yet it felt like such a lonely journey while I was navigating my emotions and the healing process.
I think because a C-section scar is a scar that of course you get from childbirth which is one of the biggest blessings and happiest moments in your life that you don’t feel you’re allowed to feel “bad” or complain about it or struggle accepting it or the changes you are experiencing in yourself. However, hiding our pain leads to shame which turns to insecurities and fear. So many women wrote me that they were uncomfortable if their scar shows in a bikini because what will people say. If we don’t normalize these things and share our experiences and show how beautiful our scars are there will never be a change and something very small can lead us to a place of struggle in more areas of our lives and there’s no one that should feel alone in this process no matter what kind of scar it is mentally, physically or both. it.
Namita Nayyar:
You were born in Miami. Where did you have your early education and training to become a leading model? You have been modeling for the last twenty years with your parent agency Next Models. Tell us more about your professional journey of exceptional hard work, tenacity, and endurance.
Kelly Hughes:
I was a student and working at a salon when I was introduced to the modeling industry for the first time. I didn’t know anything about the business, but I have a very determined spirit and quickly realized it wasn’t an easy career. I heard many no’s before I got an opportunity to travel to Milan with an agency called Riccardo Gay. Like many young models I never had any formal training for modeling however being based in Milan for 6 months was my training in motion. I came back a different person. I grew up per say, gained a sense of style and confidence and experience in the industry with some of the best. When I got back from Milan was when I sent my pictures to NEXT modeling agency, and they took me on which was the catalyst of my career. There are many things you can’t learn from someone telling you how to do it, you just need to jump in and try it.
Photographer : Luccia Photos @lucciaphotos
Makeup : Khadine Ali @khadinebeauty
Outfits : Alo yoga @aloyoga
Jewelry : HÜES @byhues
Namita Nayyar:
You are the leading entrepreneur, model, social media personality, and brand ambassador. How do you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?
Kelly Hughes:
Some days everything works out perfectly and other days it’s a juggle for sure. I have learned most important to take one thing at a time and whatever you don’t finish that day you can do tomorrow. Before I became a mom, I would make a daily to-do list and now I still make lists but I’m happy to accomplish 1/3 of it. Time management is key to success and it’s definitely something I’m still trying to master.
Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?
Kelly Hughes:
I love athlete training or HIIT exercises. I do mega former machine Pilates sometimes as well because it’s so great for lengthening and leaning but I definitely love high energy classes for my workouts.
Photographer : Luccia Photos @lucciaphotos
Makeup : Khadine Ali @khadinebeauty
Outfits : Alo yoga @aloyoga
Jewelry : HÜES @byhues
Namita Nayyar:
You are the founder and designer of the jewelry brand, HÜES! Your designs have been worn by JBalvin, Ricky Martin, Chayenne, Zion y Lennox, Alicia Keys, Maxwell, Young Thug, and many more. Elaborate more about this endeavor of yours.
Kelly Hughes:
In 2009, the economy was in a panic due to the mortgage crisis so modeling work slowed down and I was proactive not knowing what was to come by getting a job in a restaurant one day a week. Little did I know that it was there I discovered this God given talent to make jewelry. I always loved accessories and I didn’t want the brand to be gender specific because I wanted it to be for everyone. With a lot of dedication, I was fortunate that so many people liked the styles that not long after I got into stores like The Edition Hotel (Limited Edition), 1 Hotel (Violet & Grace), Base and Patron of the New to name a few. The brand is also available on my website www.byhues.com where you can choose from one of our existing collections or create your own style “made for you” and our Instagram is @byhues. All of the pieces are still handmade by me, and I have a few jewelers that make the molds for the clasps etc. However, I still assemble. I feel this brand is my baby and being a part of every step of the way makes all the difference.
Photographer : Luccia Photos @lucciaphotos
Makeup : Khadine Ali @khadinebeauty
Outfits : Alo yoga @aloyoga
Jewelry : HÜES @byhues
Namita Nayyar:
You are an advocate for inclusivity and loving and embracing your scars. As a model, you continue to embrace the out powering love you received from the mama community to showcase others and lift them up. You did partner with ESTAS Beauty to start the #ScarLoveChallenge on social media to spread a feeling of empowerment and change the societal stigma around scars. The challenge encourages participants to reinterpret your photo showing off their own scars using the # and challenging their friends to join the movement. Every time a #ScarLoveChallenge photo is posted, ESTAS will donate $1 to World of Children, helping disadvantaged children around the globe. Kindly tell us more about this aspect of your enchanting personality of giving back to the social movement that has been started by you.
Kelly Hughes:
ESTAS is an incredible woman owned company that has products to nurture your scars and not to try to get rid of them. They reached out to me after Sports Illustrated posted the photos and I just loved their mission statement. I felt a responsibility to do more after seeing all of the messages from so many women and I didn’t want to limit it to just C-sections scars so all scars are welcome. I felt that if people felt so empowered by seeing my photos in Sports Illustrated how much more would they feel empowered to have a place to go to see 100’s or 1000’s of photos. There’s a real power in facing your fears and taking a photo of it is very empowering.
Namita Nayyar:
Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Kelly Hughes:
Before I had my son, I was a very healthy eater, primarily vegetarian and worked out about 4 days a week. Now I struggle a bit more because of my busy lifestyle. I have days where I eat healthy and get a workout in and other day’s I see what my son is eating and steal some French fries, or I end up eating pizza. I have been trying to “diet” since my son was born to lose the baby weight but I’m not very successful with diet’s and I am now trying to eliminate the obvious things that aren’t good for you and just stick to a healthy lifestyle and give myself grace in the process and accept my body no matter what.
Namita Nayyar:
Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.
Kelly Hughes:
Love: sushi, pizza, pasta, rice, cake,
Keep to a minimum: pizza, cookies, pasta, bread, rice
Photographer : Luccia Photos @lucciaphotos
Makeup : Khadine Ali @khadinebeauty
Outfits : Alo yoga @aloyoga
Jewelry : HÜES @byhues
Namita Nayyar:
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your haircare and skincare routine.
Kelly Hughes:
Thank you. I keep it simple because I’m always in a rush, but I drink my collagen daily from Isagenix which I speak about often on my Instagram @kellyhues. This helps with my hair, skin and nails and I think is super important as you age to take a collagen supplement.
Photographer : Luccia Photos @lucciaphotos
Makeup : Khadine Ali @khadinebeauty
Outfits : Alo yoga @aloyoga
Jewelry : HÜES @byhues
Namita Nayyar:
Five skincare myths.
Kelly Hughes:
- You have to use expensive products to work
- That you need to do 20 step skincare routine at night for your skin to glow
- Sunscreen is the answer for everything
- Genetics don’t play a huge part in the way your skin looks
- Start Botox young as possible to stop the wrinkles before they start
Namita Nayyar:
Five athletic leisure brands you love to wear.
Kelly Hughes:
Alo, Fabletics, Nike, Gymshark, Bandier
Namita Nayyar:
Five travel destinations on your wish list.
Kelly Hughes:
Paris, Australia, Brazil, Israel and Fiji
Namita Nayyar:
You once wrote about your unique unisex jewelry line “HÜES doesn’t define genres, it invites them both,”. “My own last name has transformed into a very specific meaning for the brand-it embodies color selection, materials, and metals that come together and present a story today, it’s the hue of anything we see that attracts our purchase. It’s endogenous to the eye, but speaks to a man’s taste while embracing women’s desires.” Elaborate about this vision of yours about jewelry line “HÜES” for our viewers.
Kelly Hughes:
When I started my brand HÜES I wanted it to be for everyone and a brand that you could create your own piece because jewelry should be personal and something that you could identify with. My last name is spelt Hughes yet sounds the same as HUES which was the perfect definition of my vision for the brand. I quickly learned that women were wearing men’s accessories, but men wouldn’t always wear women’s so why put a label on it or define it for someone. Our purchase shouldn’t be influenced by anything other than what you’re attracted to and what you identify with that makes you feel your best.
Photographer : Luccia Photos @lucciaphotos
Makeup : Khadine Ali @khadinebeauty
Outfits : Alo yoga @aloyoga
Jewelry : HÜES @byhues
Namita Nayyar:
You have done bold photo shoots for Sports Illustrated Swim Search and on your Instagram handle @kellyhues. How you are so body confident and advise your compatriots?
Kelly Hughes:
After having my son my body changed completely and I was very open about how it didn’t “bounce back”. I struggled with insecurities from my scar and the changes I went through. I think after having such a difficult labor and an infection which lead to another surgery it took a lot longer for me to heal physically but then mentally it took even longer. It’s so important to give yourself the time to heal. Society puts a lot of pressure on us to bounce back right into the swing of things and to look and feel exactly how we were before having a baby, but we are a new creation and for some it takes longer than others.
I had never taken a picture of my scar before Sports Illustrated asked for it in order to be casted for this shoot. It was very empowering and when I looked at the pictures, I realized how far I had come in my journey, and I felt ready to show it and be proud of it. It was then I realized it wasn’t until I embraced my scar that I experienced the power in it. The confidence I then had become my strength because it reminded me of all I had gone through and that I could get through anything and to never be ashamed of it. So, I truly recommend giving yourself the time you need to heal, embrace yourself and your scars and do take a picture of yourself and love on who you have become no matter where you are on the journey and know you’re not alone. There is so much confidence in that and there’s nothing more beautiful.
Namita Nayyar:
Your idea of a perfect date?
Kelly Hughes:
I like a gentleman I’m old school, so to me the perfect date would be a simple dinner date where we can talk and get to know each other. I also love flowers!
Photographer : Luccia Photos @lucciaphotos
Makeup : Khadine Ali @khadinebeauty
Outfits : Alo yoga @aloyoga
Jewelry : HÜES @byhues
Namita Nayyar:
What do you wish to say about the website Womenfitness.net and the message for its visitors?
Kelly Hughes:
I love how Women Fitness has so many incredible articles on so many topics and not just fitness but also pregnancy and the food we eat etc. It all works together for great health and it’s amazing to find all of the helpful positive info in one place.
Namita Nayyar:
Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding models, who all are your fans and shall like to know from you for their climb to the ladder of success in the field of modeling?
Kelly Hughes:
My best advice is never giving up and takes every no as a no right now and uses it to make you better. With social media right now, there is so much more opportunity to create your own destiny then when I first started modeling. Don’t sit on your ask, use all the resources out there and always be ready for every opportunity.
Namita Nayyar:
You have an Instagram following of 59.7k followers. A message for your ardent admirers.
Kelly Hughes:
I appreciate every single one of you for following me on my journey. I hope that I can inspire and encourage you and please feel free to dm me anytime. I read every single dm and people are always so surprised when I respond that I took the time to respond and that is always so shocking because to me that is so important to communicate with all of you.
Namita Nayyar:
Tell us about your future pursuits and upcoming projects?
Kelly Hughes:
I’m looking into more opportunities to give back to mothers especially single mothers with charities and hopefully in the future start my own charity. I will be doing a giveback with a piece from my jewelry brand soon and I also want to continue this conversation around C-sections and birthing via a podcast or a book.
Kelly Hughes Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kellyhues/
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2022 Women Fitness