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Track & Field Athlete Khamica Bingham Unveils Her Fitness Secrets

Khamica Bingham is a Canadian track and field athlete who specializes in the 100 metres. She has represented Canada at the Pan American Games, Commonwealth Games and the World Championships in Athletics.

She became part of the national record women’s 4×100 m relay team along with Kimberly Hyacinthe, Crystal Emmanuel and Shai-Anne Davis.

She is also the 2019 Pan American Games Silver medalist in the 4×100 m relay.

Women Fitness President talks to the track & field athlete about her journey to success.

Namita Nayyar:

You started off as a national-level gymnast and then switched to track due to personal reasons. Walk us through your spectacular journey and tell us how it all began?

Khamica Bingham:

I started gymnastics when I was about 8 years old. It began when I went to the mall to buy a present for a birthday party and I saw an advertisement display of the gymnastics club inside the mall. The girls were doing flips and leap jumps and I was immediately hooked. I went home trying to jump like the girls did and begged my parents to sign me up and they did. I was in a recreational class for 2 classes before they bumped me up to the provincial level. Then I kept excelling to the national level. Gymnastics was one of those sports that I loved when I was younger, and as you get more into the elite level it wasn’t fun for me anymore. It was something I was good at but it didn’t bring joy to me anymore. I injured my knee when I was 13 and that knee injury lasted over a year and my parents were struggling financially to manage my gymnastics fees in addition to my two older siblings’ university tuition. When the opportunity presented itself, I took it to take a leap of faith and go into track and field.

Namita Nayyar:

In July 2016 she was officially named to Canada’s Olympic team. This must have been a big moment for you and your family, share your experience?

Khamica Bingham:

2016 was a year filled with so many ups and downs. 4 months before the Olympic trials, I once again hurt my knee tearing the medial cartilage under my knee cap. I was out for 2 months and only had 2 months to prepare for the biggest trials of my life. The year prior I was the national champion and had the Olympic qualifying standard, so all I had to do was come top 3. I gave it everything I had but finished 4th. So, for me personally, it wasn’t the greatest moment because I didn’t automatically make the Olympic Team for the 100m (which was my dream) but for the relay. It was one of those things where everyone around me was happy, but the ones closest to me, knew I couldn’t really be that excited. Later on, I did a fitness test with my federation to prove that I was ready to compete at the Olympics Games in the 100m, and I passed. So that moment for me was the big moment between me and God. 

Namita Nayyar:

Introduce us to a day in your life.

Khamica Bingham:

My day usually starts at around 8:50am, say a prayer and start getting ready for practice. I leave the house around 9:40am to get to practice for 10am. Training is usually 2-3 hours, with different sprint workouts, general strength, plyometrics or weights. When practice is over at around 12 or 1pm, I will do my recovery stuff which is usually like rolling, stretching, soaking in cold and hot baths, then head home drinking my recovery shake, make a late breakfast and relax a bit. I like to use this time to answer emails, organize my schedule for the week and plan workouts for my clients. On the side, I own a personal training and also speed training business called Airborne Sports LLC. So usually from 4:30-6:30pm I am training clients. Then I make dinner and try and enjoy the rest of my evening either watching my favorite shows, talking on the phone or writing in my journal. I usually will be in bed by 10:30-11pm. 

Full interview is continued on next page

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2020 Women Fitness

Namita Nayyar:

5 exercises that comprise your fitness regime that you may like to share? Training routine while competing? 2 stress-busting tips.

Khamica Bingham:

1) Glute activating/strengthening exercises (using bands) 

2) Jumps: Box jumps, double and single leg hops, weighted squat jumps. 

3) Abs: plank circuits, med-ball core circuits

4) Weights: cleans, squats, deadlifts etc. 

5) General Strength: full body exercises (upper body, core, lower body)

  #1 Tip: Working out really helps with stress. It releases endorphins which makes you feel better and it’s good for your body. 

  #2 Tip: Even top elite athletes have goals with losing or gaining weight. Be patient with yourself and your body. Stay consistent, be kind to yourself and celebrate all the little wins. Even if it’s something like, ” I did 5 pushups without stopping this time”. That is something to celebrate.  

Namita Nayyar:

Share your diet that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?

Khamica Bingham:

My go-to breakfast before practice is one 12-grain toast with peanut butter with banana slices and chia seeds on top. After practice, I usually have 2-eggs, a whole grain toast with a smoothie. I also recommend an air-fryer which is great for cooking foods faster without the oil. For snacks, I like Skinny Pop popcorn, dark chocolate almonds, greek yogurt or fruit. For dinner, I like to make salmon, sweet potato fries and green beans for dinner – made in my air fryer. And I also have a juicer to juice my vegetables and fruits which is 100% natural to make sure I get enough of my antioxidants. An example would be orange, ginger, kale, spinach and cucumber. I also drink a herb or peppermint tea at night. 

Namita Nayyar:

Training for sports requires dedication and hard work. How do you take care of your skin and hair?

Khamica Bingham:

I personally make a routine and make sure to set time throughout my busy schedule with my skin and hair so I can maintain both; because I am very particular about clear and glowing skin and healthy hair. My daily skin routine, I make sure to cleanse, tone with rose water, vitamin C brightening serum then moisturize with an oil-free lotion with a some SPF in it. About once a week I will set a time to do a face mask and exfoliate. Considering my hair is natural, it requires a little more time on wash days. Every Sunday, I will do a natural hair mask, wash my hair, and deep condition and make sure I comb it in sections and add the moisturizing products. I think it helps also when you set goals for yourself, make a mini routine and do you best to stick to it. Consistency over a long period of time is where the real magic happens!

Namita Nayyar:

Who has been your greatest influence and motivator in your success in the field of sports?

Khamica Bingham:

I found God through sports and my passion in sports has really brought me closer to God. If I were to say a person, that person would be my angel Daundre Barnaby, who was an Olympic 400m sprinter who drowned while we were at a training camp in St. Kitts. He would always finish stronger in his races and that became my motto for life #FinishLikeBarnaby. I was at the beach when he passed, and on that day I promised to him, myself and God that I would accomplish everything I could on the track that he didn’t get the opportunity to. We were really close, he called me his adopted little sister because I would annoy him purposely all the time as sisters would. 

Namita Nayyar:

Share about one how your Olympic dream began after winning OFSAA (Ontario high school) gold in 100m and 200m in her first year running track in 2010?

Khamica Bingham:

OFSAA was really the moment where I grew confidence in myself because it was my first year in track and field ever and despite not having the experience like the other athletes, I just believed in myself and gave it my all. I knew at that moment that it didn’t matter if I had been there before, but as long as I had the heart and determination that I could do anything that I put my mind to. And the dream for the Olympics bloomed after that experience.

Namita Nayyar:

Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and upcoming athletes who all are your fans? 5 tips to work upon improving their skills.

Khamica Bingham:

1) Hydrate A LOT: drink electrolytes to replenish the sweat from working out and also throughout the day. Drink water, and stay away from juice. 

2) Never skip or forget about the little things: taking your vitamins, stretching, rolling, sleeping, eating healthy and doing core. 

3) Set goals and write it down – it’s always helpful when you remind yourself of your goals and so  you have something to chase for. This is helpful on those days that you feel less-motivated. 

4) Journal – track your workouts and how you are emotionally feeling. It’s important for tracking  purposes and to have it written down so you could look back at it. 

5) It’s okay, to have bad days. Accept them, and learn from them. They build strength, character  and your drive and determination. 

Namita Nayyar:

Your motto “Never lose faith. Trust in God’s timing and your breakthrough is soon to come.” Please elaborate.

Khamica Bingham:

Your journey is YOUR journey. There is no one-way route on how to get to where you want to go. But have faith, trust the process and never give up on yourself. Everything that is meant for you will happen at the right time- which is God’s timing. It doesn’t matter how you get there, even if you have to go through many storms and obstacles, but what matters is that you keep pushing to get there.

Namita Nayyar:

Tell us about your future plans.

Khamica Bingham:

This year, I am preparing for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics in July. The team will be officially announced after Olympic Trials in late June. I plan to launch my brand, which will have apparel, and motivational quotes and videos for anyone chasing a goal or dream. I also plan to continue to do motivational speaking, train and build more clients and continue to share my story and my journey in hopes to impact women in sports and fitness and also the youth.

Namita Nayyar:

Share a few words about the website and message for its visitors? 

Khamica Bingham:

I absolutely love that this website chooses to empower women and provide accessible information for women to have access to exercises, yoga and nutrition.

Follow her journey on:

This interview is exclusively taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2020 Women Fitness

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