Kino MacGregor is an author and one of the youngest certified yoga teachers in the Ashtanga yoga tradition. MacGregor is one of only a few yogis to have earned a certificate in India directly from founder K. Pattabhi Jois.
Kino MacGregor is a Miami native who is happiest on the beach with a fresh coconut and a poet at heart who always stops to smell the flowers. She is the founder of Omstars—the world’s first yoga TV network (www.omstars.com). With over 1 million followers on Instagram and over 500,000 subscribers on YouTube and Facebook, Kino’s message of spiritual strength reaches people all over the world. Sought after as an expert in yoga worldwide, is a international yoga teacher, inspirational speaker, author of four books, producer of six Ashtanga Yoga DVDs, writer, vlogger, world traveler, co-founder of Miami Life Center (miamilifecenter.com).
Women Fitness’ President Namita Nayyar recently had the most wonderful time chatting with Kino MacGregor on why she loves doing yoga and wishes to spread it all over the globe.
You are one of the youngest certified yoga teachers of Ashtanga yoga, what motivated you towards learning yoga?
I started yoga over 20 years ago out of a sincere desire to live a more peaceful life.
How has yoga impacted your life? Tell us 5 changes yoga brought in your daily life?
Yoga has made me a more kind, more loving, more patient and a more humble person. My commitment to practice six days a week has changed everything, from my choices in diet (I’m vegan), to what time I go to bed (earlier than I used to!), to other habits of personal consumption. I am much more conscious of the impact that I make on both my immediate space and the world. The yoga practice has also opened the doors of travel to me. I have traveled nearly 1 million miles in service of yoga!
Having 18 years of experience in Vipassana Meditation, Share how one can benefit from meditation?
Meditation is a the single-most important practice for my mental and emotional balance. I sit for my meditation practice every day, with no days off. My practice is somewhere between five to thirty minutes twice a day. Like a daily ritual of mental health meditation is my key to remaining calm and peaceful amidst the inevitable ups and downs of life.
Full Interview on Next Page!
All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting http:// www.womenfitness.net/ or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2018 Women Fitness
Beginners find it challenging to meditate in today’s fast paced life. What is the best time to meditate? And for how long must one do it?
Anyone can meditate! All you need is five minutes a day to get started. I find sitting either first thing in the morning or last thing in the evening to be the best times. What is most important is that you find a time that you can commit to every day. It’s not good to try and change the time that you meditate because it should be like a ritual.
You are also the founder of Omstars—the world’s first yoga TV network. Share your mission and goal behind its origin?
I believe that yoga is a revolution and all you have to do to join is practice. Omstars is a family of yogis united around shared values, like an intimate gathering of souls. Omstars is your portal into the sacred space of yoga practice. Our enlightening, authentic and life-changing content made by the best yoga teachers in the world. But, more than that, we are community of spiritual seekers passionately walking the path to the center of the soul. While the poses, called asanas in Sanskrit, are powerful and foundational, the journey is inward. Yoga is an ancient spiritual tradition that originates in India and offers profound depth to everyone who practices. The revolution of yoga is that this science of the soul is now available to every single person worldwide.
How do you begin your day?
The first thing I do when my alarm goes off is cultivate gratitude for my immediate surroundings. I try and find at least one thing to be grateful for right away. Then, I usually drink a big glass of water, make a tea and do my meditation and yoga practice. After that I’m ready for the day!
Before beginning yoga practice, what are the key points to keep in mind?
Yoga can be intimidating. The poses look complicated and you might not know where you start. The best thing to keep in mind before practicing yoga is that yoga is a practice, it’s a journey, not a destination. It never matters how well you do a pose, all you have to do is try.
5 Yoga Asanas that are excellent for weight loss.
The paradigm of yoga for weight-loss is based on a type of thinking centered around thinness as an ideal. Unfortunately, not everyone’s body type is meant to conform to the mainstream standard of tall, lithe, and thin. Yoga is not a weight-loss program. It is a lifestyle of inner peace. While practice will certainly change the way you inhabit your body and will also change the shape of your body simply, the goal of yoga is love and acceptance. Perhaps instead of thinking of yoga poses for weight loss, I would encourage my students to learn to love and appreciate the body that they have, whatever size or shape it is.
Ideal yogic diet?
The ideal yogi diet is built around the principle of ahimsa or non-violence. While not everyone is able to adopt a vegan diet, yogis are advised to consumer foods that are as close to cruelty-free as possible.
What are the yoga asanas that can serve a pregnant women well and why?
Pregnant women can benefit from hip openers like Baddha Konasana and Malasana. These two asanas help open the hips and release pressure on the lower back.
Your advice for seniors starting off for yoga practice? One easy balancing & focus exercise?
For senior starting off their yoga practice I recommend to go slowly and pace yourself. Focus on the inner journey of breathing and mindfulness and don’t push too hard.
Skincare and hair care routine for those practicing yoga?
I love fresh organic coconut oil. It does wonders for both the hair and skin. Plus it smells absolutely divine. I use coconut oil as a moisturizer for my face, body and hair and I love it.
After a long hard-working day, what do you look forward to? Stress -busting tips?
I enjoy a long walk on the beach to get some fresh air after a hard-working day. Being outside with a connection to nature helps me reset and clear my mind.
Social media has grown big. Share how it has helped you spread benefits of yoga & help people overcome misconceptions?
I am so thankful to everyone who follows me on social media. Having such a large community online has helped me spread the message of yoga to people all over the world. One thing that can be difficult on social media is any type of comparison. While what we see online is usually carefully curated galleries, the messy bits of life don’t often get photographed. Remember that real life is what matters and any social media interactions that are valuable are the ones that lead to more growth, love and peace in the real world.
5 things we’ll always find in your yoga bag?
I usually just carry my mat, so these are some things that are always in any bag with me.
- Organic lip gloss
- Tripod
- iPhone and Airbuds
- A hat
- Organic throat lozenges
I almost always have a bikini in my bag when I’m home in Miami too 🙂
Resolutions for 2019?
- Write a new book on a totally new subject— it’s top secret right now!
- Develop a new type of yoga and personal development training.
- Spend more time at home 🙂
Message for your followers on Instagram?
I want you to believe in yourself, to see your beauty and to find the strength to keep practicing every day.
Follow her on:
- https://www.kinoyoga.com
- https://www.instagram.com/kinoyoga/
- https://twitter.com/kinoyoga
- https://www.facebook.com/kinoyoga/
Women Fitness thanks Kino and her team for helping create this incredible feature.
All content on this site is copyright of Women Fitness and no part of any article found on this site may be reproduced without an express permission and highlighted, do follow link crediting http:// www.womenfitness.net/ or preferably the original page as the source. This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President womenfitness.net and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2018 Women Fitness