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Pilates For Runners

Running is performing the same movement over and over. This receptive motion leads to overdeveloped muscles such as the quadriceps, but also leads to weak and tight underdeveloped muscles such as the hamstring and gluts.

Runners need to follow a well-balanced training regimen that might include yoga, cycling and swimming etc. Pilates workout can also offer runners multiple benefits. Pilates helps one to identify areas of weakness that can inhibit running posture and learn muscular cues to help fire the muscles surrounding the diaphragm, spine, ribs and hips in such a way to maintain better posture through the gait cycle.

Benefits of Pilates for Runners

Pilate Exercises


Utilize all your leg muscles and keep a healthy stride with this chest-opening move:

Leg Pull

Open the chest and strengthen the back and arms to achieve a more upright posture.

Side Kick Kneeling

This exercise challenges your core so it  prepare you for uphills, downhills, or turns.


Strengthen your obliques, core, and legs, while stretching your hips away from your ribs:


Roll over and lengthen your waistline and torso while challenging and strengthening the back of your legs:

For a runner, posture is one of the key ingredients to success. Pilates develops a strong core by supporting and strengthening the muscles of the torso, hips shoulders and pelvis. These can eventually lead to a huge positive difference in your posture, technique, balance and stability. It enables you to focus on where your head and neck are in relation to the spine and pelvis, on down through the legs and toes. This all adds up to more efficient movement and less chance of injury.

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