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Top 10 Melatonin Rich Foods To Control Weight

According to a new study melatonin consumption helps control weight gain because it stimulates the appearance of ‘beige fat’, a type of fat cell that burns calories in vivo instead of storing them. White adipose tissue stores calories leading to weight gain whereas ‘beige fat’ (also known as ‘good or thinning fat’) helps regulate body weight control, hence its metabolic benefits. Researchers from the University of Granada Institute for Neuroscience, the Hospital Carlos III, Madrid, and the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio contributed to the study.

What is Melatonin ?

Melatonin is a natural hormone segregated by the body and its level generally increase in the dark at night. Melatonin plays several major roles in maintaining a healthy immune system: sleep regulation, powerful and unique antioxidant, and its effectiveness at raising Glutathione.

Melatonin, known chemically as N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine, is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland located at the base of the brain that helps regulate sleep and wake cycles. This hormone is a derivative of the neurotransmitter serotonin and the amino acid tryptophan. Approximately 5-25 mcg of melatonin are secreted into the blood stream of healthy young and middle-aged men at night time.

Foods Containing Melatonin

Below are melatonin-producing food sources you can eat to increase your circulating melatonin. These foods will boost your melatonin the most (in nanograms produced per gram eaten):

Tart (sour) Cherries: The best source of melatonin, which is not commonly known, a truly natural one, is found in food – tart (sour) cherries in amounts that are able to have a positive effect on health.

Mustard Seeds: The highest concentrations of melatonin is observed in white and black mustard seeds. This level of melatonin is much higher than the known physiological concentrations in the blood of many vertebrates.

Raspberries: (387 nanogram/gm eaten)  Raspberries have a sweet, tangy taste that makes them a popular treat for snacks, desserts, salads, cereals, sauces, baking, jams, jellies and more.

Almonds: Chow down on a handful before bed, or spread some almond butter on toast.

Sunflower seeds: (29 nanogram) They may be annoying to open and discard, but sunflower seeds can be high in melatonin. Along with many other useful nutrients, these seeds can also be substituted for fennel seeds, green cardamom seeds, and others.

Tomatoes:  The tomato is a natural source of melatonin, a chemical produced by the body during sleep. Although it is recommended to get fresh sources, tomatoes can be found in sauces, paste, and even in ketchup. They are also full of antioxidants.

Fennel: It helps “break up” fat deposits in the bloodstream to be used as energy. Using energy sources the body already has stored can reduce the cravings for food.

Corn: sweet corn contains high levels of natural melatonin. You can eat it straight from the cob, make it into a cornbread, or even as a frozen food when out of season. Other health benefits include a high level of folate and Thiamin for the heart and mind, respectively.

Rice: These foods contain between 1,000 and 1,800 picograms (1,000,000 picograms = 1 milligram) of melatonin per gram.  Rice, both white and brown, is available at local grocery store.

Ginger root: Ginger has about 500 picograms per gram of melatonin. Ginger root and ground ginger are found in most local grocery and health food stores.

Foods With Melatonin Table (ng/100g*): 
Foods Melatonin, ng/100g
Tart (sour) cherry juice concentrate 17,535
Tart (sour) cherries 1,350
Walnuts 270**
Mustard seed 191.33
Corn 187.80
Rice 149.80
Ginger root 142.30
Peanuts 116.70
Barley grains 87.30
Rolled oats 79.13
Asparagus 76.62
Tomatoes 53.95
Fresh mint 49.66
Black tea 40.50
Underripe banana (pulp) 31.40
Broccoli 26.67
Angelica 25.12
Pomegranate 21***
Strawberries 21***
St. John’s wort 19.61
Ripe banana (pulp) 18.50
Brussels sprouts 16.88
Green tea 9.20
Black olives 8.94
Green olives 8.36
Cucumber 5.93
Sunflower seeds 4.26
Concord grapes (skin) 3.24
Red grapes (pulp) 2.27
Red grapes (whole) 1.94
Concord grapes (pulp) 1.92
Concord grapes (whole) 1.71
Red grapes (skin) 1.42
Red wine 1

* dry tissue, except for tart cherries and tart cherry juice concentrate
** average number – reported amounts were 90.7-450 ng/100g
*** average number – reported amounts were 13-29 ng/100g

 – See more at:

The study authors concluded “administration of melatonin and intake of food containing melatonin might be a useful tool to fight obesity and the risks associated to it.” In addition to natural food sources, many health-minded individuals will want to supplement with 1 to 3 mg of melatonin each night, taken 30 minutes before retiring, to promote sound sleep, avoid unnecessary weight gain and ward off the damaging effects of oxidized blood fats that promote heart disease.


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