Top 10 Things to Keep you on Track
all need a little prodding to move in the right direction.
Whether you want to finish a project, lose weight or just get in a
great mood, here are ten things you can
do to keep yourself on track.
Feed Your Mind & Body
is one of the BEST ways to start your day?
Breakfast. A healthy breakfast gets your metabolism going, boosts
your energy, and helps you eat well throughout the day, so you get and stay
fit. Feed your mind with some inspiration to get some added
oomph, such as the quotes in this newsletter, your favorite self-help
book, the Bible, whatever works for you.
Get Organized
a daily routine which will keep you focused, clear, motivated, and moving
forward. These are things you
do each day which make your life easier. What
would be the habits that would enrich your experience of life,
every day? Pick
the ones you REALLY want, not the ones you SHOULD do. You'll have a healthy
routine, you'll feel good, you're focused, and you have more energy.
Boost Your Attitude
attitude is shaped by your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
It's really easy to feel good when the going is good.
The key to vibrant energy and a powerful attitude is to MAKE yourself
feel good, ESPECIALLY when the going's tough, and you don't feel good, or
you don't want to feel good. And
what goes around, comes around. So
how do you want to feel?
Motivate Yourself
you want to begin a new habit, or reach a new goal, try taking it one day at
a time. What can you do TODAY
to keep you energized and on track? "Just
for today, I'm working out for 30 minutes (you fill in the blank with your choices)."
What does this mean?
SUCCESS, one day at a time.
Create & Visualize
the time out during the day to create the life you want, the body you want,
the career you want, etc. Visualize everything about it: how you think, how
you feel, how you act, what you're wearing, the house you're in, EVERYTHING.
Write down your vision on paper.
Carry that mental image with you. Whenever
your mind gets foggy from staring at the computer, or you're involved in a
mind-numbing project and you need a break, daydream for a few
minutes with your "creation." You'll come back to your work with more energy
and an attitude
 Get Physical
exercise, exercise. Energy will
NOT be handed to you. If you
want it, do what's necessary to get it.
Get off your butt and get going.
As you continue exercising, your energy stays elevated, you feel
great, you look great, and
you wonder why you had such a hard time getting going in the first place.
Divide & Conquer
your internal voice pipes up and tells you, "You can't do that.
You'll never succeed," STOP
or ENOUGH!) I CAN do it.
Here's HOW I'm going to do it. Here's
the help I need to make it work. I find SOLUTIONS, not problems."
Or something like that.
Convince Yourself
you write down your vision of the life/body/career/etc. you want to achieve,
write down two lists: "WHY I Want This" and "Why I BELIEVE I
Will HAVE This" and describe EVERY reason you can think of.
Read it every day and every night for the next month.
important to you, REALLY IMPORTANT to you?
Where are your priorities? If
you decide you want to exercise 30minutes daily to lose 30-some pounds, put
it in your weekly or daily schedule AND MAKE IT NON-NEGOTIABLE.
No ifs, ands, or buts. Stick
to it. It will become a part of you - if it really matters to you.
get so hung up on getting the results, that we forget about the journey to
get there. So the goal seems
farther and farther away. "Am I
EVER going to get there???" When
you state your goals and put them on paper, what is
the process
for achieving the goal? This
process involves MILESTONES. Milestones are stepping stones to your ultimate
success. Now, wouldn't it be
nice if you got a reward for reaching your milestones and ultimate goals?
Sure it would. Rewards keep you motivated to keep on keeping on. Be sure to make your rewards inspiring (and NON-EDIBLE) to
keep the drive alive.
achieving becomes fun, as well as, rewarding.
Dated 05 December 2013