Cindy Landolt: World Leading Fitness Trainer from Switzerland Reveals her Workout, Diet and Beauty Secrets



Cindy Landolt: World Leading Fitness Trainer from Switzerland Reveals her Workout, Diet and Beauty Secrets
Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What is your diet? Do you take a particular fixed regulated diet comprising of nutrients and vitamins to keep you in perfect health?

Ms. Cindy Landolt:

I�m very reactive when it comes to diet, meaning that I like to experiment with different foods and nutritional supplements to really find out what does and doesn�t work for me, I think this is extremely important and something that I work closely with my clients to achieve.

When I discuss a diet plan with them, I first need to know what they like to eat, they often react asking �well what should I eat?� this is the wrong approach altogether, I could write a calorie perfect diet with the absolute optimized ratio of carbohydrate, protein and fat balance, along with optimized meal timing and spacing relative to my prescribed workout routine, but do you know how many people would truly be able to integrate that to their lifestyle and then maintain it?... VERY few, so it�s important to create a diet plan that works WITH my trainees and doesn't become a chore. Now that�s not to say that they can eat everything that they want, there are some foodstuffs and choices that are just NOT in line with the type of training results that they want to achieve.

I personally, ensure that I eat 5-6 meals spaced evenly throughout the day and biased so that the majority of my carbohydrates are consumed early in the day, total calorie intake is relative to the amount of energy I need to complete that days tasks, so I will eat more if I need to and less if I have an easier day, this is important, as many people eat the same amount regardless of the amount of energy it will take them to get through their day.

Remember that it�s all just energy, so if you are looking to lose weight then you need to ensure that you have a slight caloric deficit throughout your day and you need to go to sleep with only protein in your system, don�t carry carbs to bed with you, this is really counter productive. I�m also a fan of keeping your metabolic rate high throughout the day with the use of thermogenic fat burners and CLA, as well as supplementing my protein intake with shakes to ensure my muscles repair sufficiently. When used with a caloric deficit in your diet and some specific fat loss cardio the results from these supplements are astounding!

Conversely if your diet is intended to build muscle then, you need to have a caloric excess throughout your day to ensure you have sufficient surplus calories to build muscle, bare in mind that these calories should be heavily biased towards protein, you need to ensure that the weight gained is actually muscle! So eat just enough carbohydrates to fuel your workouts and complete your day, but eat an excess of protein through shakes to grow new muscle tissue. From there it�s just a function of time and discipline.


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Dated 05 June 2014


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