Women Body Building

Most women avoid taking up bodybuilding for they don't want to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Women Fitness brings you all the information on how by observing the habits, training, and eating pattern of a bodybuilder you can work wonders for yourself and jump-start your weight loss program.

The key to any successful diet and exercise program is to burn off the fat while maintaining muscle and density-mass, which is a constant challenge for bodybuilders on diets.


Recent Articles

  • Top 10 Tips to Get the Best from Shoulder Training

    03 March 2014

    Shoulders are an important and widely used muscle in the upper body. To build and maintain them these are the 10 tips.

  • Body Weight Training: Top Fitness Trend for 2015

    03 December 2014

    Get ready for push-ups, planks, lunges and squats. Using your own body weight for resistance, is projected to be the top fitness trend in 2015, according to a report from the American College of Sports Medicine.

  • The Dumbbell Floor Press

    29 October 2014

    If you are one of those who experience lower back pain with traditional bench presses Moving to the floor can help tremendously in reducing lumbar extension that comes from excessive arching on the bench.

  • Sculpting the Calve Muscles

    18 October 2014

    Calve Muscle Anatomy Sculpting the Calve Muscles There are two primary muscle groups on the back of the lower legs - the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscles. The soleus is a wide, flat muscle that lies beneath the heart shaped gastrocnemius.

  • 5 Nourishing Smoothies to Fire Up Your Muscles

    07 October 2014

    Smoothies make great breakfast and post-workout snack. Evergreen Protein Shake Serious nutrition and energy from this shake; it combines spinach, good saturated fats, a trio of delicious fruits, sweet honey, and a huge hit of protein.

  • Overhead Press: Exercise to Prevent Shoulder Girdle Injury

    17 September 2014

    The triceps (three-headed) muscle take up two-thirds of your arm space, making it larger than the biceps muscle.

  • Triceps: Training the Three Heads

    13 September 2014

    The triceps (three-headed) muscle take up two-thirds of your arm space, making it larger than the biceps muscle.

  • Challenging 30 Minutes Ab Workout

    13 September 2014

    The routine defined here is meant for advanced trainees and will target the core, upper abdominals, lower abs and the obliques.

  • Olympic-Style Weightlifting for Total-Body Fitness

    29 July 2014

    Olympic-style weightlifting, or weightlifting, is an athletic discipline in the modern Olympic programme in which the athlete attempts a maximum-weight single lift of a barbell loaded with weight plates.

  • Top 10 Tips to Speedy Muscle Recovery

    05 June 2014

    More than 20 percent of dietary supplements on store shelves are illegally labeled or do not live up to the claims they're making.

  • Five Popular Diet Supplements & their Side Effects

    14 April 2014

    More than 20 percent of dietary supplements on store shelves are illegally labeled or do not live up to the claims they're making.

  • Targeting for a Shapelier Back

    05 April 2014

    Strong, supple and well-toned: If this doesn't sound like your back, it could be time to think about the way you move - and change the habits of a lifetime. Little things such as the way we sit at work, or the way we carry our handbag, can have profound effects on our bodies, leading to backache - or worse. Luckily, posture is easily corrected.

  • Muscle Confusion: A new fitness craze demystified

    22 January 2014

    A definition of muscle confusion is "A training principle that states that muscles accommodate to a specific type of stress (habituate or plateau, also called homeostasis) when the same stress is continually applied to the muscles over time, therefore one must constantly vary exercises, sets, reps and weight to avoid accommodation".

  • Top 10 On-The-Ball Exercises For Great Abs

    19 November 2013

    Ball exercises for abs focus on the upper and lower abs muscles as well as the oblique(s). Catch up on top 10 exercises to tone up and slim down your midsection.

  • Time to Plank Up your Abs

    19 October 2013

    Benefits of resistance training include improved muscle strength and sports performance and may include reduced injuries. Few studies have examined sex differences in resistance training-related injuries. One of the researches indicated that women are more susceptible to lower-extremity injuries resulting from accidents during resistance training.

  • Common Weight-lifting Injuries

    19 September 2013

    Benefits of resistance training include improved muscle strength and sports performance and may include reduced injuries. Few studies have examined sex differences in resistance training-related injuries. One of the researches indicated that women are more susceptible to lower-extremity injuries resulting from accidents during resistance training.

  • Pull-Ups: For Strength & Higher Calorie Expenditure

    05 September 2013

    Women's upper body strength is not as easy to develop as, for someone with testosterone running through their system. Still through smart training one can achieve chiseled upper back, shoulder and burn fat.

  • Top 10 Activities for Home Workout

    23 August 2013

    Getting in shape seems to be more of a challenge these days than ever. With busy schedules plus the expense of a gym membership, it's no wonder so many people never make it.

  • Teenager Workout: What Should it Look Like?

    31 July 2013

    An adolescent is an interesting category of the population because they are biologically growing and are still considered minors legally. Obesity is a health concern that had become an epidemic in America, and it cannot be overlooked.

  • Top 10 Ugi Ball Exercises to Washboard Abs

    13 June 2013

    Metabolism describes the complex processes that regulate how we convert food into energy. As known to us energy output increases during exercise, exercise also speeds up the metabolic rate at which we burn off calories for up to 24 hours after activity.

  • Top 10 Exercises to Rev Up Your Metabolism During Vacation

    13 June 2013

    Metabolism describes the complex processes that regulate how we convert food into energy. As known to us energy output increases during exercise, exercise also speeds up the metabolic rate at which we burn off calories for up to 24 hours after activity.

  • Exercises for Swim-Suit Season

    30 May 2013

    Learn how you can get the best bikini body ever in Six easy exercises. These exercises are designed to target and reshape your "swimsuit zones" - your tummy, thighs and hips - the body parts that tend to stand out in a bathing suit. You can do these exercises in the convenience of your own home.

  • Post- Workout Summer Refreshment Ideas

    21 May 2013

    Hydration is an important aspects of training, regardless of what season of the year it is. Hydration becomes all the more important when training in a warm weather.

  • Top 10 Hip Strength Building Exercises

    21 May 2013

    One of our greatest fears as we get older is that we will break a hip, an event that can cause permanent disability, depression, and the need for long-term care. Women are twice as likely as men to suffer a hip fracture, partly because we have a greater risk for osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones.

  • The Scientific 7-Minute Workout: Maximum Results With Minimal Investment

    10 May 2013

    Traditionally, resistance training often is performed separately from aerobic training - typically on two or three nonconsecutive days each week. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends 8 to 12 repetitions of a resistance training exercise for each major muscle group at an intensity of 40% to 80% of a one-repetition max (RM) depending on the training level of the participant.

  • Plyometrics: exercises to increase power

    April, 29 2013

    Plyometric training is specific work to enhance explosive power. In other words, it involves a lot of jumping. Plyometric training is used for sports that require short bursts of power such as tennis, basketball, or skiing, but it's also a good exercise for anyone who wants to increase her power.

  • Top 10 to shapely arms and chest

    April, 22 2013

    Having a shapely upper body is just as important as having shapely legs, especially in summers. Overweight, sagging arms or chest are unattractive and a sign of premature ageing. Strong arms look sexy and are a great asset in carrying all the load ! Proper attention should be given to the pectoral muscles for a firmer bust line.

  • Pilates for Amazing Sex

    April, 20 2013

    One of the fundamental principles of Pilates involves learning how to engage and control the muscles of the pelvic floor and internal abdominals (think vagina!!!). Pilates, especially on the Reformer, is an amazing way to get in shape and get a rocking hard body. Celebrities such as Madonna, Charlize Theron, and Jamie Leigh Curtis swear by it.

  • Training with Strength band

    Apr, 06 2013

    As a complete workout on their own or a supplement to free weights and machines, strength bands are the ultimate tool for customizing workouts and isolating muscles. And the portable bands and tubing make the perfect travel workout.

  • Hydration for Enhanced Performance

    Mar, 21 2013

    A recent study looked at how drinking cold water affects hermoregulation and performance

  • Tips to Avoid Zumba Related Injuries

    Mar, 12 2013

    An email survey issued by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons on Zumba related injuries had doctors, saying that they're regularly seeing Zumba students complaining of ankle sprains, ankle fractures, torn meniscus, overuse injuries and more.

  • Training guide for intermediates

    10 January 2013

    Cardio & strength training workouts are indispensable to an effective training program and general good health. By definition, cardio workouts can be any exercise-jogging, running, biking, swimming, elliptical machine, stairs, even jumping rope-that raises and maintains your heart rate over a predetermined amount of time.

  • Exercises to get a Cleavage like Salma Hayek  

    05 November 2012

    By exercising the pectorals, there is no doubt, you can augment the overall volume of your bustline. Weight training develops lean muscle tissue. Adding strength training develops the underlying chest muscle and will add more shape to your upper body, creating those eye-pleasing and sexy curves.

  • Minimizing Sore Muscles  

    25 September 2012

    Arghh, the dull pain from sore muscles, is a repeated complain from women involved in fitness training! Hard exercise causes muscle damage. If you looked under a microscope at your sore muscles after a hard workout you would see torn and ruptured individual muscle cells, and breakdown of the membranes between them. High intensity exercise causes muscle soreness.

  • Total Body Workout: Top to toe Rejuvenation

    29 August 2012

    If you find yourself too busy to make it to the gym 5-6 times per week or you feel that your body is over trained and you need a refreshing change, the total body workout may be just the thing you need.

  • Miso: A Fermented Super Food

    14 August 2012

    A traditional Japanese bean based fermented food is becoming popular worldwide. It possess a salty taste with a texture similar to nut butter, though the specifics vary depending upon the ingredients and length of fermentation. The mixture is aged from one month to three years.

  • Strengthening the Pelvic Floor

    08 August 2012

    The pelvic floor is a large hammock of muscles stretching from side to side across the floor of the pelvis. It is attached to your pubic bone in front, and to the the tail end of your spine behind. The openings from your bladder, your bowels and your womb all pass through your pelvic floor. Your muscles near your pelvis are very important to stretch.

  • Exercise Motivation

    03 August 2012

    Consistent and productive exercise is nothing less than - hard work. It's all about commitment, adhering to a schedule, planning daily exercises and diets, executing all of it and finally coming to grips with the fact that changes to your body are normally slow and subtle.

  • Make Your Workouts More Functional

    30 July 2012

    Functional strength training simply means training our bodies to better perform the types of movements we use for everyday life. When you isolate body parts, as you sometimes do with traditional strength training, you end up training your muscles but not your movements.

  • Sculpting the Calve Muscles 

    23 July 2012

    There are two primary muscle groups on the back of the lower legs - the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscles. The soleus is a wide, flat muscle that lies beneath the heart shaped gastrocnemius. Both muscles contract to extend the feet and toes, but the soleus can only fully contract when your leg is bent to at least a 30-degree angle.