Alissa Schneider Patrick as of today is COO of @athletictruthgroup & @atgequipment which she runs along with her husband, Ben Patrick to help people bulletproof their knees. Their mission: Help people do what they love without pain.

She works 7 days a week and is a mom. Her job is to bulletproof the BUSINESS and create a work environment where every single staff member loves their job. Ben and his team are able to give their all to helping ATG Fam.
Alissa at one time suffered knee cartilage damage and was told that she would have to live with it, and she set out to help Ben in creating some of his most important knee progressions. She completely handled her own symptoms, painlessly, and now that she has a baby, she is actually looking forward to getting in the best shape of her life.

She has been a competitive figure skater for 10 years and plans on getting back on the ice soon.
Ms. Namita Nayyar, President, of Women Fitness got in touch with Alissa Patrick, to answer questions that bother a lot of women, mothers, and mom-to-be relating to knee & back pain management during pregnancy and recovery.
Possible Reasons behind constant body pain.
Alissa Schneider Patrick:
Constant pain means the body lacks circulation and/or ABILITY in and connects to where you have problems. This can seem hard to navigate out of, but there ARE levels you can perform, without pain, that get circulation to the problematic area while strengthening it to reduce future issues. This is exactly what our ATG programs do.

Exercises for overcoming knee & lower back pain during pregnancy.
Alissa Schneider Patrick:
Elevating the heels slightly and performing deep squats for the knees, while working on the ATG-style Seated Goodmorning for the lower back, allow you to work on strength and mobility no matter how large the bump gets during pregnancy.
How by slight variations in various exercises one can achieve better strength and mobility.
Alissa Schneider Patrick:
With a slightly wider stance and the heels slightly elevated, you can still get deep on your squats, which works the vastus medialis more. Stronger vastus medialis (one of the four muscles that make up the quadriceps group of muscles) relative to the rest of the quads = less knee pain!
And on the Seated Goodmorning, you sit at the edge of the bench so that your belly has full room to move. This movement allows you to work your thigh and torso at a closer angle than any other, making it the foundation of lower back resilience that affects every other movement with your lower back.
Myths & taboos that have been preventing us to achieve optimum fitness? Answers to overcome them.

Alissa Schneider Patrick:
“No knees over toes” would be a common one, yet backward sled, reverse step-ups, and a full range of motion split squats have evidence behind being perhaps the top 3 movements to rehabilitate knee function… and all 3 are knees over toes!
Not understanding knees over toes and working through pain at the wrong levels of knees over toes could be a problem. But being WEAK with your knees over your toes is proven to be the biggest risk factor for your knees!
Post-natal recovery training tips? Do’s & don’ts
Alissa Schneider Patrick:
Take your time. Walk. Then starting walking backward. Then gradually start SLEDDING. Your body can recover within a few HOURS – not days – of sledding.

The circulation is incredible and then you can finish sessions with gentle mobility exercises.

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The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.