Namita Nayyar:
At the age of 34 years you are competing with girls half your age and beating them with spectacular results. Share with our readers your lifestyle, fitness routine and anti-aging diet that has made you a Fitness Icon in the world of athletics and an Idol of all fitness freaks.
Carina Horn:
Thank you so much for giving me all that honor. My lifestyle consists mostly of training, gym and track session every day. I wake up 5 am get ready to start my days training.
Come back home after my first session around 11/12, make lunch, play with my dog Hulk, love him so much, rest a bit, go to my second session for the day, come back home between 6/7 have dinner, play with my dog outside watch tv a bit and then get ready for bed again. My off days I will spend mostly at home or with my family and friends.
Namita Nayyar:
Share your future plans?
Carina Horn:
At the moment I am back in Europe for my International races, competing again in a weeks’ time here all over Europe. Preparing for the World Champs later this year in Budapest. 2024 my goal is to be in the Olympic final and 2025 World Champs again. After my running I might to online programs and also start a sports academy.

Namita Nayyar:
Women Fitness works relentlessly with a goal to reach out to women all over the world providing them with the best in health, fitness, nutrition, beauty & fashion. What do have to say about the website ( and message for our readers?
Carina Horn:
Amazing webpage and thank you gothonoring women in sport/fitness and acknowledge what it takes and everyone’s achievements. Keep on with this amazing work you do for us. Means a lot and may every reader find inspiration each day to keep on building themself and be fit and happy.
Carina Horn Social Media Presence:
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar President and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.
All Written Content Copyright © 2023 Women Fitness
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