Inhalation Over Internal Use for Weight Loss
Essential oils are oil-soluble components extracted from plant parts. Steam distillation is typically used to extract these oils from flowers, leaves, seeds, resin, and other plant parts, although they can be extracted in other ways. The result is a highly concentrated essential oil that has, many therapeutic uses (and sometimes safety considerations).
Essential oils can work to alleviate many health issues across various body systems, such as anxiety, digestive upset, nerve pain, and many skin issues.

Using Grapefruit essential oil can be effective for weight loss when inhaled. Some encourage adding drops to your water – but there is a lot of risk when doing this (irritation in the mouth, esophageal damage, ulcers), and the research backs up inhalation – not internal use.

Lea Jacobson, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, Using Essential Oils Safely
Holistic Approach to Essential Oils and Wellness
Essential oils are commonly used in aromatherapy, skincare, natural cleaning products, and holistic wellness practices, and are typically applied to our skin or experienced through the sense of smell. Each essential oil has its unique aroma and properties, which can range, from promoting relaxation and stress relief to offering anti-inflammatory effects.
While many see the process as unfounded and describe it as “new medicine,” it is quite old, and many people used tools such as this before the creation of modern medicine. Unfortunately, as science developed, a lot of this was left behind as we found answers in different areas, but we have seen it return massively in recent years as something that can be used alongside how we are currently treated.
We have seen the biggest boom for this in the mental health and wellness industry as people dig deeper into ways to look after themselves that don’t involve antidepressants, and I think the important thing to note here is that if you are vulnerable, make sure you are engaging with companies that have medical professionals working for them.
Ensure you are getting quality products that have been researched and developed. As somebody who works in supplements, I can’t express enough how important this proper care is for safety and your benefit.

Jan Brandrup, CEO, Neurogan Health
Balanced Diet and Exercise Over Essential Oils
Essential oils, potent plant extracts lauded for their aromatic and therapeutic qualities, interact with the brain and nervous system when inhaled or applied topically, impacting mood, stress, and physiological functions.
Despite their potential to promote relaxation and well-being, attributing magical weight-loss powers to essential oils is unsubstantiated. Scientific evidence supporting their direct efficacy in shedding pounds is scarce.
The real weight-loss ‘essential’ is a balanced diet and regular exercise, not a few drops of lavender or peppermint. Here at our company, we advocate for honest, science-based approaches to health rather than overhyped trends. With that said, it’s best to keep our feet on the ground—and our essential oils in the diffuser.

Adam Wright, CEO, Human Tonik
Fitness Developer Advises Realistic Expectations
Essential oils are like super-concentrated versions of natural plant scents and flavors. They’re made by pressing or distilling parts of plants and are often used in aromatherapy to help with both physical and emotional health. For example, limonene is a common ingredient in oils like grapefruit, orange, and lemon. It’s known for fighting inflammation and helping with digestion, and some people believe it can assist in weight loss.
From what I’ve learned while essential oils can uplift your mood and help reduce inflammation, using them for weight loss isn’t a quick fix. They might support your goals as part of a bigger health plan that includes eating right and exercising. For example, using grapefruit oil might help reduce water retention. You could also try a relaxing bath with a mix of oils like carrot seed and celery seed, which some find helpful for easing symptoms like PMS.
It’s important to keep your expectations realistic with essential oils. They can be a great addition to a healthy lifestyle but they’re not miracle cures. If you’re thinking about using them, especially for something specific like weight loss, it’s good to add some effective workout plans and high-protein meals to your routine and let these oils play more of a supporting role!

Samrah Yousuf, Content Lead, SQUATWOLF
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.