Our bodies are all stronger than we think. While pregnant women carry life, after all! The female body is amazing and if you are consistent with working out and eating well, you will absolutely see results.

Erin Pitkethly
Erin is a Low Carb Nutritionist at Robinsong Health Low Carb Clinic shares her experience on losing baby belly pouch fat. She says “I couldn’t lose the baby belly fat after my second pregnancy. (The weight came off easily after my first.) I tried many things for about a year but was always frustrated. Then I discovered low carb. I lost those “last 10 pounds” – and they came right off my belly – in 4 weeks! That’s when I decided to become a low carb nutritionist. I trained with the leading low carb doctor in Canada and opened my own practice to help people with weight loss, PCOS, diabetes reversal, and fatty liver disease.” To learn more about her visit: https://www.robinsonghealth.com.
She is the first pharmacist in Canada to open a pharmacist-led, whole foods low carb clinic. Erin is also a certified personal trainer. Today she is the mom of two busy teenagers, and in her spare time, she enjoys hiking and snowshoeing. She is also a writer who has won awards for her essays, short stories and screen plays.
Liz Jeneault

The other one is again an inspiration for all, Liz Jeneault, a fitness expert/influencer. She relates her story “I gained 35 pounds with my pregnancy, which was a decent amount considering I’m only 5’2″ tall. I had a c-section, and I remember looking at my belly a day or so after and being surprised by how much it was still sticking out! I asked for a postpartum belt while in the hospital, though, and they provided me with one. I also purchased a Belly Bandit, which is designed for postpartum use. I feel it helped reduce the size of my uterus, which made my belly area shrink.”
“I also believe breastfeeding contributed to my weight loss. I took my first jog at two months postpartum. While it was awful after having a c-section, it got me back on my fitness journey. I love fitness and am now in the best shape of my life. My waist is 24 inches in size, and I have abs! I believe working out consistently is key. I also suggest drinking plenty of water and wearing a postpartum belt or waist trainer as I mentioned.”
“I workout six days a week and take one of those days to specifically focus on abs. While I love resistance training, cardio is also key. I always aim to get in at least 20 minutes of cardio with each workout.”

“As for my diet, I’ve always focused on eating mostly proteins, vegetables, and fruits. I believe in having a healthy smoothie with whey protein in it each morning. I snack on vegetables throughout the day and typically eat chicken and rice with vegetables at lunch and then another protein and vegetable at dinner. If I get hungry in the evening, I’ll have more whey protein. I have always let myself indulge, as well! I just always opt for a smaller bowl of ice cream or just one cookie instead of overindulging”. Check out https://faveable.com/.
Thanks Erin & Liz for sharing your inspiring journey of healthy weight loss or let’s say belly pouch loss post childbirth.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.