Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine?
Gail Kasper:
My fitness routine can best be described through the Amazon product, The Selfie Fitness Challenge, a full-body workout system that incorporates cardio into overall strength building. I believe whole heartedly that you can work out anywhere and this 30-minute workout program can easily be done at home, using household items. My favourite exercises are squats, push-up frogs, push-ups, planks and hand-stand push-ups against a wall.
Namita Nayyar:
Do you have a special diet or a strict menu that enables you to remain healthy and physically fit?

Gail Kasper:
My breakfast typically starts with a bran muffin. Yes, there are many benefits to bran, but with me, I just love the taste. I love bran muffins and am very disappointed if I don’t eat one that is worthwhile :(. To the contrary, if I find a great bran muffin, I am hooked forever. With regard to lunch and dinner, I always strive for balance – chicken, veggies, salad, salmon. But I do love to splurge – and am happy to take on any dessert – ice cream, a giant piece of chocolate cake. Yep, they’re all good!
Namita Nayyar:
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your hair care and skincare routine?

Gail Kasper:
Thank you. I keep my life simple where I can. I don’t over process my hair if it’s not necessary. Sometimes I don’t even comb my hair after a shower. And I don’t wear make-up if it’s not necessary. I keep it natural and along with that, try to eat the things that best support healthy living.
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