Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Five tips to work upon as an aspiring athlete.
Gina Lückenkemper:
- Surround yourself with greatness if you want to become great. Always keep in mind that you become like the 5 people that you spend the most time with, so choose carefully.
- Always have goals!
- Try to stay realistic.
- Never listen to people who want to see you fail.
- It’s all about mind-set.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Amidst the terror of COVID-19, one life lesson that you’ve learned?

Gina Lückenkemper:
To really enjoy the little things in life and how precious time with family and loved ones is.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Five fitness advice to achieve success in your goal.
Gina Lückenkemper:
- Keep your goals realistic.
- If possible, always try to visualize your goal, maybe a picture or drawing of your goal will help.
- Don’t be too frustrated by setbacks. It is totally normal and ok to not always be the greatest and perform at your best. Try to find motivation in this.
- Surround yourself with people who are trying to push you towards your greatness and who support you no matter what.
- Be patient and persistent.
Gina Lückenkemper Social Media Presence
- Instagram @ginalueckenkemper
- Facebook @GinaLueckenkemper
- Official Website https://www.gina-lueckenkemper.com/
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