If you have purchased a hair color from your local pharmacy, and expect it to turn out like the models hair color on the front of the box, you may be in for a big surprise.
The color shown has been applied to pre-bleached hair. (pre-bleached hair is the color of a banana) Permed, relaxed or highlighted hair will absorb hair color very quickly, and you may end up with a much darker shade than you have chosen.
- If you have applied a color that just isn’t you, try using a shampoo cocktail, which consists of 2 oz. of 20 volume peroxide, 1 oz. shampoo and 1 oz. warm water. Stir well and apply it starting where your hair color is the darkest. To speed things up, wrap your head in plastic wrap and sit under a hair dryer, checking the color every 5 minutes.
- When you feel that the color has lifted sufficiently, shampoo and follow with a deep or intensive conditioner.
- If it still isn’t to your liking, you will need to see a professional who is experienced in color c
- Remember, color will not lift color.
- Don’t go back to the store and purchase a lighter color, thinking it will lighten the color you have just used.
- Don’t mix brands, and always, always do a strand test to see if you are allergic to the product.
The rule of thumb when choosing a new color, is to look at your own color in the natural daylight, and determine what you want to add or remove.
- If your hair has too much red tone, choose an ash which is green base.
- If your hair has a green cast, choose a color with red tones.
- To counteract yellow in gray or blonde hair, choose a blue or violet based color.
Unfortunately the condition of your hair has deteriorated from the processing, and will require a moisturizing leave in conditioner every time you wash your hair.
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The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.