Namita Nayyar:
During the Covid pandemic tell us more about your routine to remain fit in these challenging times.
Katica Rakuljic:
Actually believe it or not lam somehow an introvert and l love my alone time, so it was perfect for me and it didn’t change a thing. In fact my work outs got even better as l could plan them better since l was working from home. I loved it.
Namita Nayyar:
You have done bold photo-shoots for a number of fashion brands and on your Instagram handle @katica.rakuljic. How you are so body confident and advice to your compatriots?
Katica Rakuljic:
Well l think confidence in who you are and in your body, comes with time and experience. Believe me l have heard things that people would consider shocking or very rude, but in the modeling industry if you can’t take criticism you won’t last. I learn to not take negative comments about my body to heart, and only listen to the good ones since at the end of the day that’s only people’s opinion. I always felt and knew l had the perfect body and if someone had something bad to say about it, it’s not my business to judge them, it’s only their opinion and they are entitled to one.
You have to learn to never need any validation, good or bad, the only validation that ever matters is always your own. As far as shoots l think l’am actually very conservative, l don’t like to shoot let’s say half naked pictures or implied nude pictures. If it’s for a big campaign and a job l do my job but if it’s not within my limits or who l’am, l decline it. I have been offered to shoot for playboy several times actually and l kindly declined those offers as it’s simply not my image. My advice is, be confident in who you are always, both in body and mind and do only what you can stand for fully, never be afraid of saying no. In fact is confident saying no.

Namita Nayyar:
Your idea of a perfect date?
Katica Rakuljic:
I would say it would definitely include great conversations , a nice dinner and lots of laughs as lam a person that jokes a lot. A definitely without saying a gentleman of course with confidence and good manners.
Namita Nayyar:
What do you wish to say about the website Womenfitness.net and the message for its visitors?
Katica Rakuljic:
I would like to say that l love what you do, and l love the platform as health is a big part of my life and who lam. Keep encouraging women to be their best self in all ways possible. Both in mental and physical health because it’s key. Keep up your amazing work!
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