Photographer : Luccia Photos @lucciaphotos
Makeup : Khadine Ali @khadinebeauty
Outfits : Alo yoga @aloyoga
Jewelry : HÜES @byhues
Namita Nayyar:
You are an advocate for inclusivity and loving and embracing your scars. As a model, you continue to embrace the out powering love you received from the mama community to showcase others and lift them up. You did partner with ESTAS Beauty to start the #ScarLoveChallenge on social media to spread a feeling of empowerment and change the societal stigma around scars. The challenge encourages participants to reinterpret your photo showing off their own scars using the # and challenging their friends to join the movement. Every time a #ScarLoveChallenge photo is posted, ESTAS will donate $1 to World of Children, helping disadvantaged children around the globe. Kindly tell us more about this aspect of your enchanting personality of giving back to the social movement that has been started by you.
Kelly Hughes:
ESTAS is an incredible woman owned company that has products to nurture your scars and not to try to get rid of them. They reached out to me after Sports Illustrated posted the photos and I just loved their mission statement. I felt a responsibility to do more after seeing all of the messages from so many women and I didn’t want to limit it to just C-sections scars so all scars are welcome. I felt that if people felt so empowered by seeing my photos in Sports Illustrated how much more would they feel empowered to have a place to go to see 100’s or 1000’s of photos. There’s a real power in facing your fears and taking a photo of it is very empowering.
Namita Nayyar:
Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Kelly Hughes:
Before I had my son, I was a very healthy eater, primarily vegetarian and worked out about 4 days a week. Now I struggle a bit more because of my busy lifestyle. I have days where I eat healthy and get a workout in and other day’s I see what my son is eating and steal some French fries, or I end up eating pizza. I have been trying to “diet” since my son was born to lose the baby weight but I’m not very successful with diet’s and I am now trying to eliminate the obvious things that aren’t good for you and just stick to a healthy lifestyle and give myself grace in the process and accept my body no matter what.
Namita Nayyar:
Five foods you absolutely love and five you keep to a minimum.
Kelly Hughes:
Love: sushi, pizza, pasta, rice, cake,
Keep to a minimum: pizza, cookies, pasta, bread, rice

Photographer : Luccia Photos @lucciaphotos
Makeup : Khadine Ali @khadinebeauty
Outfits : Alo yoga @aloyoga
Jewelry : HÜES @byhues
Namita Nayyar:
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your haircare and skincare routine.
Kelly Hughes:
Thank you. I keep it simple because I’m always in a rush, but I drink my collagen daily from Isagenix which I speak about often on my Instagram @kellyhues. This helps with my hair, skin and nails and I think is super important as you age to take a collagen supplement.
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