Food to Avoid? Does it really work.
- I try to avoid all the soy products altogether as it triggers the estrogen levels and over all I eat extremely healthy.
- I love vegetables so I add that to all my meals especially dark green leafy ones.
- I don’t eat refined sugar products, fat or any foods that contain hormones. I suggest eating organic as it is the safest way to go if you have this condition.
- I do not drink soda’s or juices unless they are cold pressed and fresh. I think when you really balance your diet it can only help. Adding anti-inflammatory super foods such as curcumin root, ginger and super foods helped me tremendously.
I can only say that all the changes contributed positively to my wellbeing and also to endometriosis. This lifestyle change imbues the positivity and wellbeing for all endometriosis patients.
Can you elaborate on your workout routine? Time, days’week and strength training routine?
I usually get up at 7 am and have my lemon water – I simply put two slices of lemon and squeeze some into my glass. afterwards I do a 5 minute yoga stretching.
I have a cup of coffee or green tea and make myself a lovely Almond milk smoothie with blueberries, raspberries and a banana with a spoon of flax seeds.
I wait half an hour before I hit the treadmill or run outside. a great alternative for me during my painful times was a green juice I would make which consisted of celery, cucumber, green bell pepper, and some spinach.
I also added ginger root and pinch of curcumin powder and lemon juice. For the curcumin I also added a touch of black pepper and a drop of cold pressed organic olive oil which helps with the absorption of turmeric into your own body and doesn’t just flush it out.
Usually its about 3- 5km depending on the weather and how I feel that day.
afterwards i do 30s intervals of planks, spider planks, dolphin stand, push ups and crunches- that’s about 20 minutes and a few dumbbells to tone my biceps ( 2kg).I alternate frequently so I don’t do the same exercises every day. For example:
- 30 s crunches, reverse crunches, elbow plank, knee to elbow, flutter kicks, V- ups, toe- taps and side planks, Russian twist, leg raises.
- For the lower body i do:Bridges, one leg raises, hip lifts, donkey kicks, leg circles squats , sumo squats, lunges.
- For the upper body:Triceps dips, punches, pushups, dolphin stand, chest extensions, shoulder taps, side arm planks, superman. Except for the bicep lifts i don’t use any weights. I do like however the exercise ball and some times resistance band.
Afterwards I do some yoga stretching for about 5 minutes and I’m ready to start a day.
I stay hydrated and drink almost a gallon of water throughout the day. for the summer I would recommend taking electrolytes as well as we tend to overheat.
Tips you follow for hormonal balance, presently. Please elaborate if you are on any medication.
Now I’m not on any medication, but I used to take Progesterone only contraceptives during the time when my cysts have been large.

Message for females out there who suffer from endometriosis.
I think the most important thing is to learn how to live with it. To learn and observe your body, to see what works as it is very individual.
I highly recommend doing sports as it significantly reduces the abdominal pain as well as adopting a healthy diet, avoiding processed foods and eating organic if possible. Also trying to reduce stress levels whether it’s yoga, meditation or doing what makes you happy.
Since it’s a chronic disease you can only try if nothing else works, I would suggest surgery.
Most of all a positive mindset is the key.
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The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.