Ms. Namita Nayyar:
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Share with us your haircare and skincare routine.
Ms. Mahalia Handley:
I like to use a lot of natural products on my skin and home made masks, when I travelled through Vietnam a naturopath taught me her passed down recipe of a face mask which is avocado, pressed and Finè greater oats, turmeric, green tea, honey and a tiny bit of milk which you combine and mix into a face mask, apply once to skin and when it’s dried it’s first coat apply a second and leave on for thirty minutes, make sure not to overdo the green tea or your face will go a lovely tinge of green.
Skin is very important to clean and keep healthy, exfoliate once a week and cleanses twice daily. Always make sure you moisturise!
As for my hair I’m a firm believer in letting the natural oils care for your hair, I wash my hair twice to three times a week with salon quality products as they are the healthiest option for your hair and I always make sure to have a treatment once a month.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
In the present day scenario, with the rise of social media, how do you think has social media impacted an everyday woman, bringing in multi-fold opportunities to them? Also, what according to you is the one worst thing about it?
Ms. Mahalia Handley:
I remember when Facebook just started to become a thing and when everyone once upon a time thought that Instagram wasn’t really that great, haha I guess that shows my age on this outlook but I guess its also safe to say I’ve seen the rise of social media over the years, I think that the best thing social media has been able to do is to reach mass audiences in a positive manner on showing us how we are all alike, and how unity can be found. If I want to talk to young women about body image I know its going to have a greater effect as it can reach girls far and wide- worldwide and this is powerful, think of the love and guidance that can be shared.
In conjunction though there are times when social media can be overwhelming. The worst thing to me about social media is the fiction behind a lot of posts, we can create and show a particular lifestyle and in doing so false pretense begin. This can also have an effect on girls far and wide and I really hope that the more I speak about the truth behind ‘picture perfect’ posts on my own social media will help girls who feel like they have to look or be a certain way.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Tell us your Top 5 Fashion Secrets to look gorgeous and glamorous?
Ms. Mahalia Handley:
Wearing matching underwear. When you know your put together and feeling sexy underneath the confidence just oozes out .
Always buy your best pieces ahead of time, pre spring SS17 collections is during winter and so forth. Stay ahead, don’t buy it in the middle.
Pamper yourself at least once a month- I have a day every three weeks were I give myself a luxury treatment, schedule and budget it in to your monthly routine.
Eat well, one of the best sayings I’ve ever heard is “this weeks food is next months body” remember that you are providing your body the fuel and energy that you need.
Indulge. Indulge in some treats for yourself, don’t be so persistent in a one diet fits for all mind frame. Indulge in a treat for yourself whatever it may be at least once a month. Your special to you, you deserve it.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.