Photographer: Sivan Miller @sivan_miller
Stylist: Alia West @subzerolia
Hair stylist: Yana Gorcheva @yanagorcheva
Makeup: Eli
Retouch: Daria Borovik @da.retouch
PR: Wave Mags Agency @wavemags
Namita Nayyar:
You were selected to represent Miss Manhattan and later advanced to the state pageant that occurred on June 26th, 2021, Miss New York East Coast US Nation 2021, and won the title for your state. Tell us about your experience of winning this prestigious beauty pageant title?
Melisa Gün:
It was absolutely surreal and amazing! I entered the pageant because I thought it would be a great experience and let me learn something new about myself and being a model. It’s a tough competition, but if you know your worth and just focus on showing your best, then you’re in with a good chance of being noticed. When you’re preparing for competitions and pageants, you’re bounds to spend even more time making sure you look your best, so I add more sport, I pay very close attention to my health in general – you don’t want to get ill the day before the contest! – and my diet in particular. You simply cannot allow yourself to be lazy or complacent, you have to work hard, but when it all pays off in the end and you get the cherished crown, you know it’s all been worth it!
Namita Nayyar:
You have one of the most perfect chiseled sculpted physique. Women and Models of your age aspire to be just like you. Tell us the secret to this stunning personality?
Melisa Gün:
Thanks! I wish I could say that there’s some magic to that, but it’s all down to hard work and dedication. I always aim for the better, always look for ways to improve myself. You just need to decide what you want to do and work out a way to do that and stick to the plan. It may not be easy at first, but once you get used to a certain way of going about your days, you won’t be able to imagine doing things differently.
Think of your own morning routine, because mornings are the most important, talk to a specialist who can help you with your fitness regime, find something you like doing and that makes you happy and aim to get better at it. I would also say that it’s necessary to stay positive and keep an open mind, happy people are more attractive. I guess it’s all about finding some kind of balance between your everyday life and your work, not forgetting to have fun and relax with friends and family because you deserve it.

Photographer: Sivan Miller @sivan_miller
Stylist: Alia West @subzerolia
Hair stylist: Yana Gorcheva @yanagorcheva
Makeup: Eli
Retouch: Daria Borovik @da.retouch
PR: Wave Mags Agency @wavemags
Namita Nayyar:
You are a leading media personality, model, Instagram sensation, beauty pageant winner, and fitness icon. How do you manage such a remarkable multi-dimensional lifestyle?
Melisa Gün:
It feels like juggling sometimes, but it’s rather enjoyable and I’m always up for a challenge. Knowing how to manage your time is absolutely crucial, you need to dedicate some time to yourself and just switch off for a bit to recharge your batteries so that you could face another day. It doesn’t mean lazing around, but a day with your loved ones and a trip to the countryside or an amusement park can do a world of good, or just stay in and watch your favorite TV series – anything that you can think of!
Namita Nayyar:
What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine you may wish to share?
Melisa Gün:
Depending on my current goals, I work with my fitness coach and we decide together what regime it best for me. However, I’d say running or jogging in the park is something I’m quite partial to when I don’t need to have any rigorous training. I prefer having a healthy combination of strength and HIIT, as well as some abs and stretching – it all depends on the areas of my body I need to work on and my current plans.

Photographer: Sivan Miller @sivan_miller
Stylist: Alia West @subzerolia
Hair stylist: Yana Gorcheva @yanagorcheva
Makeup: Eli
Retouch: Daria Borovik @da.retouch
PR: Wave Mags Agency @wavemags
Namita Nayyar:
How do you train your abs? One secret to your toned body.
Melisa Gün:
That’s very simple: combination of abs training and paying attention to what I eat. I know that I’m almost constantly in the public eye with my job, and I know that people look up to me, so I don’t want to disappoint them and want to enjoy what I see in the mirror, so I do abs workouts regularly.
Namita Nayyar:
Do you take a special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Melisa Gün:
To make sure I always look my best, I’m very conscious of my nutrition and diet. I avoid snacking and late night meals, however, since my job quite often means odd hours, I try to keep some fresh fruit in my fridge as well as low-fat yogurt and something that can sustain. It doesn’t mean that I don’t treat myself from time to time, I do go out with my family and friends and enjoy all kinds of food – New York is a wonderful place where you can find all kinds of cuisines!
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