2017 Visa Freestyle International World Cup at Deer Valley
Photo © Steven Earl
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Having performed so well throughout your career, what inspires, and motivates you as an athlete?
Ms. Morgan Schild:
My motivation comes from my love of the sport. The diversity and inconsistency of Mogul skiing makes me keep going. I feel excitement from the different terrain of the courses, the constant effort in perfecting your skills, and understanding each technical turn in the moguls. I also find joy in competing the more difficult and technical tricks of the girls and succeeding in things that are more difficult.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
“Smile, breathe, have fun.” that’s your philosophy of life. Why and how you keep up with it?
Ms. Morgan Schild:
At the end of the day if you’re not having fun, its hard to keep going. In the face of frustration I have to believe that the tougher the times, the higher the reward. I love the feeling of pushing myself physically and mentally to achieve perfection. It’s funny, in a sport where there’s no such thing as a perfect score, there’s sure a lot of demand to be perfect. This pressure can eat you away if you’re too serious and not smiling. I find joy in waking up everyday, and as Hannah Kearney said it “your only job is to attempt to get better”.
Ms. Namita Nayyar:
Women Fitness works relentlessly in reaching out to women all over the world providing them with best in health, fitness, beauty & fashion. What do you wish to say about the website (Womenfitness.net) and message for our readers?
Ms. Morgan Schild:
Success isn’t expected, its earned. No matter where you are reading Women Fitness from or who you are, I hope you become the best person you can be. This magazine can help with that and provide amazing inspiration to being healthy. One last thing. You don’t have to be a professional athlete to be healthy. Being healthy will enhance your everyday feel and all you have to do is attempt to be better than the day before.
Follow her on:
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