Namita Nayyar
Do you take some special diet or have a strict menu that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit?
Nikki du Plessis
I don’t have a specific diet or strict menu I follow now, but I do try to keep my eating habits clean and healthy most of the time.
Namita Nayyar
You have glowing skin and gorgeous hair. Do you take skin treatment to keep it young and glowing and secondly what you do to your hair to make them look so stunning?
Nikki du Plessis
Thank you.. 🙂 I’ve always been lucky with a good and healthy skin, so I don’t really need skin treatment.
I’m very careful when it comes to my hair, I go for weekly hair treatments and use a product by the name Eslabondexx. It’s an amazing product and a must for blonde hair.

Namita Nayyar
You must be called upon to travel a lot between South Africa and U.S. for your professional career. For a model adjusting to new countries with their own cultures it must be difficult and then to adjust with the modeling career in a new foreign land. What is the one best and the one worst thing about all this traveling that you must do?
Nikki du Plessis
The BEST part of my job is I get to see the world, meet all kinds of interesting people, make new friends and get to see what’s “outside” the world I know of in South Africa. I love traveling and I’m lucky to adapt quickly to new surroundings and cultures. I must mention that the only bad part about traveling so much is the jet lag. Other than that, everything is super exciting!
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