Amanda Hart began her fitness journey as an athlete when she was 12 years old. She started running competitively quite young and happened to be good at it. All through the process, Amanda developed her first eating disorder from participating in bodybuilding. According to Amanda “I am so grateful though for the experience because I learned about reverse dieting and realized how much it’s needed in the fitness space. I learned as much as I could about the process so I could heal myself and others going through the same exact thing.”

In an interactive session with Women Fitness, Amanda Hart talks about her journey as a health coach, Reverse Dieting & its benefits for repairing and speeding up metabolism. Read on.
Amanda, you are a holistic health coach specializing in fitness, nutrition, and mental health, and reverse dieting & weight loss. Share your journey into the world of fitness. I began my fitness journey as an athlete at around 12 years old. I started running competitively quite young and happened to be good at it. College was always a dream of mine as no one in my family had gone before me. We grew up very poor so it was always like a far-fetched dream for me to go. Discovering my talent for running early on allowed me to pursue an athletic scholarship for a Division 1 college on Long Island, in New York called Hofstra University. I was not only the captain of my team in high school but also throughout college. I graduated with a bachelor of science in public health. I went on to work for equinox fitness clubs in New York City where I worked from 2008-2011. I opened my LLC for private training in 2011 and haven’t looked back since. Today I work with people from all over the world online who want to optimize their body, mind, and spirit. My business has evolved from being just fitness-focused to fitness and nutrition, to fitness, nutrition, mental health hygiene, and integrative coaching services. I have my bachelor’s degree as well as various certifications through NASM, (National Academy of Sports Medicine), pre/postnatal fitness with Annette Lang, precision nutrition level one, TRX and kettlebell certifications level one certs, and integrative coaching certifications. My area of expertise today lies mostly in weight loss and reverse dieting along with integrative coaching services with psilocybin. |
Women in a frenzy to lose weight end up messing up their bodies. Please share your input on how one should approach food tracking without using an app.
Tracking without an app is known as “intuitive eating.” I like to encourage people to first pay attention to their own hunger cues and get to know what exactly hunger is and what that feels like in their bodies. (It feels different for all of us).
My second favorite tip is to practice mindful eating with as many meals throughout the day as possible. So this means putting your fork down between bites, observing the taste, smell, and texture of your food, and most importantly, eating with no distractions.
Try not to eat while on your phone! Digestion starts in the mouth so the better you chew your food, the less bloating and gas you’ll have.
According to your personal experience, how has strength training changed your life? 5 key factors you observed that one needs to adopt while aiming for a bikini body?
A bikini body can be a body of any size or shape – there is no “one size” to fit into a bikini.
If you’re looking to get into shape, strength training can improve the overall confidence of a woman and empower her to structure her stuff and be proud of her body because of this newfound confidence that typically comes along with lifting.
I personally noticed my confidence increased when I started lifting along with my strength, joint health, and stamina. Lifting weights is shown to increase bone density in women as well which is extremely helpful especially as we age.
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