Pseudoexfoliation (PEX) syndrome, one of the most common causes of glaucoma, represents a complex, multifactorial, late-onset disease of worldwide significance. Pseudo exfoliation syndrome (PEX) is an aging related (69-75 yrs) systemic disease (affecting the whole body) manifesting itself primarily in the eyes which is characterized by the accumulation of microscopic … [Read more...]
Aging With A Regular Eye Check-up
Glaucoma is common in women as they age. Since there are no symptoms in the early stages, having a thorough eye examination is crucial in detecting glaucoma, so you should get yourself or your loved ones checked, especially as you get older. Glaucoma is detected through an eye exam in which an eye care professional performs some or all of the following: Measure your … [Read more...]
Expert Answer FAQ’s on Diabetic Eye Disease
By Dr. Eleanor Siri, Therapeutic Optometrist. Diabetic eye disease is a group of eye problems that can affect people with diabetes. These conditions include diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular edema, cataracts, and glaucoma. Over time, diabetes can cause damage to your eyes that can lead to poor vision or even blindness. Dr Eleanor Siri, Therapeutic Optometrist … [Read more...]
Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment A normal, healthy eye is nourished and protected by fluid, which, just like your blood, has pressure. Glaucoma is a condition that results in damage to the optic nerve, which carries images from the eye to the brain when the eye pressure rises to a dangerous level. This damage can reduce your vision and even cause … [Read more...]